Savage Circus
Ballad Of Susan

On my journey into the unknown
Sometimes I wish
That one of these doors
Would lead me back
Back to you
Back to the time (Back to the time)
When you were mine

When I close my eyes
I can recall your face
How you used to move me
In grace

I couldn't stay
Something was calling
From far away (Far away)
I had to embark
Onto my journey
Into the dark

Love of my life
I had to go
Leave you alone
Out in the cold
It's breaking me down (Breaking me down)
It tears me apart (Tears me apart)
It's breaking my heart
To leave you like this

I have treasured the secret
We used to share (We used to share)
When every caress made me shiver
You took my breath away (Breath away)
And to see you die (See you die)
Still makes my cry
Cry in pain

Oh, Susan forgive me
My bitter sacrifice
As you died in the flames
My heart was turning to ice

I couldn't stay
Something was calling
From far away (Far away)
I had to embark
Onto my journey
Into the dark

Love of my life
I had to go
Leave you alone
Out in the cold
It's breaking me down (Breaking me down)
It tears me apart (Tears me apart)
It's breaking my heart
To leave you like this
Without a kiss

Here I stand
At the end of the world
On my endless quest
Oh, how I wish to rest
For a while

I couldn't stay
Something was calling
From far away (Far away)
I had to embark
Onto the tower
Into the dark

Love of my life
I had to go
Leave you alone
Out in the cold
It's breaking me down
It tears me apart
And with a broken heart
I had to leave you like this
Without a final kiss

Mirror lyrics:

Without a final kiss
I had to leave you like this
And with a broken heart
It tears me apart
It's breaking me down
Out in the cold
Leave you alone
I had to go
Love of my life

Into the dark
Onto the tower
I had to embark
From far away (Far away)
Something was calling
I couldn't stay

For a while
Oh, how I wish to rest
On my endless quest
At the end of the world
Here I stand

Without a kiss
To leave you like this
It's breaking my heart
It tears me apart (Tears me apart)
It's breaking me down (Breaking me down)
Out in the cold
Leave you alone
I had to go
Love of my life

Into the dark
Onto my journey
I had to embark
From far away (Far away)
Something was calling
I couldn't stay

My heart was turning to ice
As you died in the flames
My bitter sacrifice
Oh, Susan forgive me

Cry in pain
Still makes my cry
And to see you die (See you die)
You took my breath away (Breath away)
When every caress made me shiver
We used to share (We used to share)
I have treasured the secret

To leave you like this
It's breaking my heart
It tears me apart (Tears me apart)
It's breaking me down (Breaking me down)
Out in the cold
Leave you alone
I had to go
Love of my life

Into the dark
Onto my journey
I had to embark
From far away (Far away)
Something was calling
I couldn't stay

In grace
How you used to move me
I can recall your face
When I close my eyes

When you were mine
Back to the time (Back to the time)
Back to you
Would lead me back
That one of these doors
Sometimes I wish
On my journey into the unknown

Relevant Tags:
BBallad OOf SSusan allad f usan aBllad fO uSsan vallad kf zusan vBallad kOf zSusan Bvallad Okf Szusan gallad 9f wusan
gBallad 9Of wSusan Bgallad O9f Swusan nallad 0f dusan nBallad 0Of dSusan Bnallad O0f Sdusan hallad lf eusan hBallad lOf eSusan
Bhallad Olf Seusan Baallad if xusan Bllad iOf xSusan Blalad Oif Sxusan Bzllad Off ausan Bzallad O aSusan Bazllad Of Sausan
Bqllad Oc Suusan Bqallad Ocf Ssan Baqllad Ofc Ssuan Bsllad Or Shsan Bsallad Orf Shusan Basllad Ofr Suhsan Bwllad Og S7san
Bwallad Ogf S7usan Bawllad Ofg Su7san Bxllad Ot Sksan Bxallad Otf Skusan Baxllad Oft Suksan Balllad Ov Sisan Balad Ovf Siusan
Ballad Ofv Suisan Baklad Od S8san Bakllad Odf S8usan Balklad Ofd Su8san Baolad Sjsan Baollad Sjusan Balolad Sujsan
Baplad Sysan Bapllad Syusan Balplad Suysan Sussan Suan

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