They Might Be Giants
Bastard Wants To Hit Me

He says he knows me
But I don't know that guy
He's waving at me but he looks kind of mad

Some crazy bastard wants to hit me
He's waving me over so he can hit me
But I don't know that guy
And I'm not going over there
Some crazy bastard wants to hit me

How have we come to this pass?
How can I get to my car?
Climb in, turn the ignition
Pull onto the highway, where I am free

Some crazy bastard wants to hit me
He's waving me over so he can hit me
And who the hell is he?
I can't believe this is happening
Some crazy bastard wants to hit me

Mirror lyrics:

Some crazy bastard wants to hit me
I can't believe this is happening
And who the hell is he?
He's waving me over so he can hit me
Some crazy bastard wants to hit me

Pull onto the highway, where I am free
Climb in, turn the ignition
How can I get to my car?
How have we come to this pass?

Some crazy bastard wants to hit me
And I'm not going over there
But I don't know that guy
He's waving me over so he can hit me
Some crazy bastard wants to hit me

He's waving at me but he looks kind of mad
But I don't know that guy
He says he knows me

Relevant Tags:
BBastard WWants TTo HHit MMe astard ants o it e aBstard aWnts oT iHt eM vastard aants fo jit je vBastard aWants fTo jHit jMe Bvastard Waants Tfo Hjit Mje
gastard 3ants 5o uit ke gBastard 3Wants 5To uHit kMe Bgastard W3ants T5o Huit Mke nastard dants ho nit ne nBastard dWants hTo nHit nMe Bnastard Wdants Tho Hnit Mne
hastard eants yo bit Mee hBastard eWants yTo bHit M Bhastard Weants Tyo Hbit Me Baastard sants 6o git Ms Bstard sWants 6To gHit Mse Bsatard Wsants T6o Hgit Mes
Bzstard 2ants go yit M3 Bzastard 2Wants gTo yHit M3e Bazstard W2ants Tgo Hyit Me3 Bqstard qants ro Hiit Mf Bqastard qWants rTo Ht Mfe Baqstard Wqants Tro Hti Mef
Bsstard Too Hjt Mr Bsastard Wnts T Mre Basstard Wnats To Hijt Mer Bwstard Wznts Tk H9t M4 Bwastard Wzants Tko H9it M4e Bawstard Waznts Tok Hi9t Me4
Bxstard Wqnts T9 Hlt Md Bxastard T9o Hlit Mde Baxstard Waqnts To9 Hilt Med Wsnts T0 Hot Mw Batard T0o Hoit Mwe Batsard Wasnts To0 Hiot Mew
Baztard Wwnts Tl Hkt Wwants Tlo Hkit Basztard Wawnts Tol Hikt Bawtard Wxnts Ti H8t Wxants Tio H8it Baswtard Waxnts Toi Hi8t
Badtard Wannts Hut Badstard Wats Basdtard Watns Hiut Baetard Wamts Hitt Baestard Wamnts Hi Basetard Wanmts Hit
Baxtard Wahts Hif Wahnts Hift Basxtard Wanhts Hitf Baatard Wajts Hi5 Wajnts Hi5t Basatard Wanjts Hit5
Basttard Wabts Hih Basard Wabnts Hiht Basatrd Wanbts Hith Basfard Wantts Hiy Basftard Wans Hiyt Bastfard Wanst Hity
Bas5ard Wanfs Hi6 Bas5tard Wanfts Hi6t Bast5ard Wantfs Hit6 Bashard Wan5s Hig Bashtard Wan5ts Higt Basthard Want5s Hitg

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