Morning Star

The Drakonian trilogy, part II:

Red Dragon from the first morning of Time,
Red Dragon of ancient depths of the Mind,
rise up from the abyss of ignorance,
coil into the existence of the blind.

Morning Star please bear your light,
through the day to next night.
Fallen One who stole the Spark,
bring it into the dark.

O Typhon Apep Lothan
O Drakon Typhon Apep Lothan

Morning Star please bear your light,
through the day to next night.
Fallen One who stole the Spark,
bring it into the dark.

Dragons Of Tomorrow flying to their Babel of yesterday,
They oepn the seal of Sorath and release the eleventh Ray.

Mirror lyrics:

They oepn the seal of Sorath and release the eleventh Ray.
Dragons Of Tomorrow flying to their Babel of yesterday,

bring it into the dark.
Fallen One who stole the Spark,
through the day to next night.
Morning Star please bear your light,

O Drakon Typhon Apep Lothan
O Typhon Apep Lothan

bring it into the dark.
Fallen One who stole the Spark,
through the day to next night.
Morning Star please bear your light,

coil into the existence of the blind.
rise up from the abyss of ignorance,
Red Dragon of ancient depths of the Mind,
Red Dragon from the first morning of Time,

The Drakonian trilogy, part II:

Relevant Tags:
MMorning SStar orning tar oMrning tSar jorning ztar jMorning zStar Mjorning Sztar korning wtar kMorning wStar Mkorning Swtar
norning dtar nMorning dStar Mnorning Sdtar Moorning etar Mrning eStar Mroning Setar Mkrning xtar xStar Mokrning Sxtar
M9rning atar M9orning aStar Mo9rning Satar M0rning Sttar M0orning Sar Mo0rning Satr Mlrning Sfar Mlorning Sftar Molrning Stfar
Mirning S5ar Miorning S5tar Moirning St5ar Morrning Shar Moning Shtar Monring Sthar Modning Syar Modrning Sytar Mordning Styar
Mo4ning S6ar Mo4rning S6tar Mor4ning St6ar Mogning Sgar Mogrning Sgtar Morgning Stgar Motning Srar Motrning Srtar Mortning Strar
Mo5ning Staar Mo5rning Str Mor5ning Stra Mofning Stzr Mofrning Stzar Morfning Stazr Moening Stqr Moerning Stqar Morening Staqr
Mornning Stsr Moring Stsar Morinng Stasr Morming Stwr Mormning Stwar Mornming Stawr Morhing Stxr Morhning Stxar

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