Draconian Trilogy

Part One: The Opening
Lepaca Draconis Nox Tarados
Part Two:
Morning Star
Red Dragon from the first morning of time,
Red Dragon of ancient depths of the mind,
Rise up from the abyss of ignorance,
Coil into the existance of the blind.
Morning star please bear your light,
Through the day to next night.
Fallen one who stole the spark,
Bring it into the dark.
O Typhon Apep Lothan
O Drakon Typhon Apep Lothan
Morning star please bear your light,
Through the day to next night.
Fallen one who stole the spark,

Bring it into the dark.
Dragons of tomorrow flying to their Babel of yesterday.
They open the seal of Sorath and release the eleventh ray.
Part Three: Black Diamonds
Red Dragon burning again and dragging down stars and fallen angels down
from the heavens to the newborn world,
To fulfill the prophecy and be the force to see.
Red Dragon flying now and casting down stars and ancient angels down from
the heavens to the burning earth,
To fulfill the prophecy
And be the force in man once again, as it was in the beginning.
The diamonds gimmering in the darkness, to be the stars in the night.
Black pearls will shine so bright, of the Draconian Might.

Mirror lyrics:

Black pearls will shine so bright, of the Draconian Might.
The diamonds gimmering in the darkness, to be the stars in the night.
And be the force in man once again, as it was in the beginning.
To fulfill the prophecy
the heavens to the burning earth,
Red Dragon flying now and casting down stars and ancient angels down from
To fulfill the prophecy and be the force to see.
from the heavens to the newborn world,
Red Dragon burning again and dragging down stars and fallen angels down
Part Three: Black Diamonds
They open the seal of Sorath and release the eleventh ray.
Dragons of tomorrow flying to their Babel of yesterday.
Bring it into the dark.

Fallen one who stole the spark,
Through the day to next night.
Morning star please bear your light,
O Drakon Typhon Apep Lothan
O Typhon Apep Lothan
Bring it into the dark.
Fallen one who stole the spark,
Through the day to next night.
Morning star please bear your light,
Coil into the existance of the blind.
Rise up from the abyss of ignorance,
Red Dragon of ancient depths of the mind,
Red Dragon from the first morning of time,
Morning Star
Part Two:
Lepaca Draconis Nox Tarados
Part One: The Opening

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