Theresa Sokyrka
There's A Kind Of Hush

There's a kind of hush
All over the world tonight
All over the world
People hear the sound of lovers in love
You know what I mean

Just the two of us
And nobody else in sight
There's nobody else
And i'm feeling good just holding you tight

So listen very carefully
Get closer now and you will see what I mean
No it isn't a dream

The only sound that you will hear
Is when I whisper in your ear
"I love you Forever and ever"

There's a kind of hush
All over the world tonight
All over the world people hear the sound
Of lovers in love

Mirror lyrics:

Of lovers in love
All over the world people hear the sound
All over the world tonight
There's a kind of hush

"I love you Forever and ever"
Is when I whisper in your ear
The only sound that you will hear

No it isn't a dream
Get closer now and you will see what I mean
So listen very carefully

And i'm feeling good just holding you tight
There's nobody else
And nobody else in sight
Just the two of us

You know what I mean
People hear the sound of lovers in love
All over the world
All over the world tonight
There's a kind of hush

Relevant Tags:
TThere's AA KKind OOf HHush here's ind f ush hTere's A iKnd fO uHsh fhere's z lind kf jush fThere's zA lKind kOf jHush Tfhere's Az Klind Okf Hjush
5here's q oind 9f uush 5There's qA oKind 9Of uHush T5here's Aq Koind O9f Huush hhere's s mind 0f nush hThere's sA mKind 0Of nHush Thhere's As Kmind O0f Hnush
yhere's w jind lf bush yThere's wA jKind lOf bHush Tyhere's Aw Kjind Olf Hbush 6here's x iind if gush 6There's xA iKind iOf gHush T6here's Ax Kiind Oif Hgush
ghere's Off yush gThere's Knd O yHush Tghere's Knid Of Hyush rhere's Kjnd Oc rThere's Ocf Hsh Trhere's Kijnd Ofc Hsuh
K9nd Or Hhsh Tere's K9ind Orf Hhush Tehre's Ki9nd Ofr Huhsh Tjere's Klnd Og H7sh Tjhere's Ogf H7ush Thjere's Kilnd Ofg Hu7sh
Tuere's Kond Ot Hksh Tuhere's Otf Hkush Thuere's Kiond Oft Huksh Tnere's Kknd Ov Hish Tnhere's Kkind Ovf Hiush Thnere's Kiknd Ofv Huish
Tbere's K8nd Od H8sh Tbhere's K8ind Odf H8ush Thbere's Ki8nd Ofd Hu8sh Tgere's Kund Hjsh Kuind Thgere's Kiund Hujsh
Tyere's Kinnd Hysh Kid Thyere's Kidn Huysh Theere's Kimd Hussh Thre's Kimnd Huh Three's Kinmd Huhs
Thsre's Kihd Huzh Thsere's Kihnd Huzsh Thesre's Kinhd Huszh Th3re's Kijd Huwh Th3ere's Huwsh The3re's Kinjd Huswh
Thfre's Kibd Hudh Thfere's Kibnd Hudsh Thefre's Kinbd Husdh Thrre's Kindd Hueh Threre's Kin Huesh Therre's Kind Huseh
Th4re's Kinx Huxh Th4ere's Kinxd Huxsh The4re's Kindx Husxh Thdre's Kine Huah

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