Blood Of Kingu

Collect the blood of Kingu from the great old sea
And arrogate the primeval waters
Inside your veins the power of the demon flow
Have you ever searched for your descent?

Gaze into your soul, we are the children of the ancient ones
On the thin facade we are the kindred of the benign gods

Take up and read the tables of your destiny
They hang around the neck of Kingu
Prepare the war between gods deep inside your soul
Your the one to figth in this war!

Mirror lyrics:

Your the one to figth in this war!
Prepare the war between gods deep inside your soul
They hang around the neck of Kingu
Take up and read the tables of your destiny

On the thin facade we are the kindred of the benign gods
Gaze into your soul, we are the children of the ancient ones

Have you ever searched for your descent?
Inside your veins the power of the demon flow
And arrogate the primeval waters
Collect the blood of Kingu from the great old sea

Relevant Tags:
BBlood OOf KKingu lood f ingu lBood fO iKngu vlood kf lingu vBlood kOf lKingu Bvlood Okf Klingu glood 9f oingu gBlood 9Of oKingu
Bglood O9f Koingu nlood 0f mingu nBlood 0Of mKingu Bnlood O0f Kmingu hlood lf jingu hBlood lOf jKingu Bhlood Olf Kjingu Bllood if iingu
Bood iOf iKingu Bolod Oif Kiingu Bkood Off Bklood O Kngu Blkood Of Knigu Boood Oc Kjngu Bolood Ocf Bloood Ofc Kijngu
Bpood Or K9ngu Bplood Orf K9ingu Blpood Ofr Ki9ngu Og Klngu Blod Ogf Blood Ofg Kilngu Blkod Ot Kongu Otf
Blokod Oft Kiongu Bl9od Ov Kkngu Bl9ood Ovf Kkingu Blo9od Ofv Kikngu Bl0od Od K8ngu Bl0ood Odf K8ingu Blo0od Ofd Ki8ngu Bllod Kungu
Kuingu Blolod Kiungu Bliod Kinngu Bliood Kigu Bloiod Kignu Kimgu Kimngu

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