They Might Be Giants
Hey, Mr. Dj, I Thought You Said We Had A Deal

I could never sleep my way to the top
'Cause my alarm clock always wakes me right up
And since my options had been whittled away
I struck a bargain with my radio DJ
I said I'd like this song to be number one
He said "I'd really really like to help you my son"
And then I knew that I would have him to thank
Because he asked me how much I had in the bank

He said to think long term investment and
That all the others had forgiven themselves
He said the net reward would justify
The colossal mess they'd made of their lives

He said the record wouldn't have to be hot
And no one ever seemed to care if it's not
It would depend on something else that I've got
And that the other ones who'd given it a shot
Had seen a modest sum grow geometrically
And then they had forgiven themselves
Because the net reward had justified
The colossal mess they'd made of their lives

Hey Mr. DJ, I thought you said we had a deal
I thought you said, "You scratch my back and I'll scratch your record"
And I thought you said we had a deal

Well, I told you about the world (its address)
I wonder when they're gonna clean up the mess
You know the rabid child is still tuning in
Chess piece face's patience must be wearing thin
Because they haven't played this song on the air
Not that anyone but me even cared
And the Disc Jockey has moved out of town
The district courthouse says he's nowhere to be found

He said to think long term investment and
That all the others had forgiven themselves
He said the net reward would justify
The colossal mess they'd made of their lives

Hey Mr. DJ, I thought you said we had a deal
I thought you said, "You scratch my back and I'll scratch your record"
And I thought you said we had a deal

Mirror lyrics:

And I thought you said we had a deal
I thought you said, "You scratch my back and I'll scratch your record"
Hey Mr. DJ, I thought you said we had a deal

The colossal mess they'd made of their lives
He said the net reward would justify
That all the others had forgiven themselves
He said to think long term investment and

The district courthouse says he's nowhere to be found
And the Disc Jockey has moved out of town
Not that anyone but me even cared
Because they haven't played this song on the air
Chess piece face's patience must be wearing thin
You know the rabid child is still tuning in
I wonder when they're gonna clean up the mess
Well, I told you about the world (its address)

And I thought you said we had a deal
I thought you said, "You scratch my back and I'll scratch your record"
Hey Mr. DJ, I thought you said we had a deal

The colossal mess they'd made of their lives
Because the net reward had justified
And then they had forgiven themselves
Had seen a modest sum grow geometrically
And that the other ones who'd given it a shot
It would depend on something else that I've got
And no one ever seemed to care if it's not
He said the record wouldn't have to be hot

The colossal mess they'd made of their lives
He said the net reward would justify
That all the others had forgiven themselves
He said to think long term investment and

Because he asked me how much I had in the bank
And then I knew that I would have him to thank
He said "I'd really really like to help you my son"
I said I'd like this song to be number one
I struck a bargain with my radio DJ
And since my options had been whittled away
'Cause my alarm clock always wakes me right up
I could never sleep my way to the top

Relevant Tags:
HHey, MMr. DDj, II TThought YYou SSaid WWe HHad AA DDeal ey, r. j, hought ou aid e ad eal eHy, rM. jD, I hTought oYu aSid eW aHd A eDal
jey, jr. xj, j fhought gou zaid ae jad z xeal jHey, jMr. xDj, jI fThought gYou zSaid aWe jHad zA xDeal Hjey, Mjr. Dxj, Ij Tfhought Ygou Szaid Wae Hjad Az Dxeal
uey, kr. ej, 9 5hought hou waid 3e uad q eeal uHey, kMr. eDj, 9I 5Thought hYou wSaid 3We uHad qA eDeal Huey, Mkr. Dej, I9 T5hought Yhou Swaid W3e Huad Aq Deeal
ney, nr. fj, l hhought 6ou daid de nad s feal nHey, nMr. fDj, lI hThought 6You dSaid dWe nHad sA fDeal Hney, Mnr. Dfj, Il Thhought Y6ou Sdaid Wde Hnad As Dfeal
bey, Mrr. rj, o yhought uou eaid ee bad w real bHey, M. rDj, oI yThought uYou eSaid eWe bHad wA rDeal Hbey, M.r Drj, Io Tyhought Yuou Seaid Wee Hbad Aw Dreal
gey, Md. cj, k 6hought 7ou xaid se gad x ceal gHey, Mdr. cDj, kI 6Thought 7You xSaid sWe gHad xA cDeal Hgey, Mrd. Dcj, Ik T6hought Y7ou Sxaid Wse Hgad Ax Dceal
yey, M4. sj, 8 ghought jou aaid 2e yad seal yHey, M4r. sDj, 8I gThought jYou aSaid 2We yHad sDeal Hyey, Mr4. Dsj, I8 Tghought Yjou Saaid W2e Hyad Dseal
Heey, Mg. Djj, u rhought tou qe Haad Hy, Mgr. D, uI rThought tYou Sid qWe Hd Dal Hye, Mrg. D,j Iu Trhought Ytou Siad Wqe Hda Dael
Hsy, Mt. Dk, Yoou Szid Hzd Dsal Hsey, Mtr. Dkj, Tought Yu W Hzad Hesy, Mrt. Djk, Tohught Yuo Sazid We Hazd Desal
H3y, M5. Di, Tjought Yku Sqid Ws Hqd D3al H3ey, M5r. Dij, Tjhought Ykou Sqaid Hqad D3eal He3y, Mr5. Dji, Thjought Yoku Saqid Wes Haqd De3al
Hfy, Mf. Dm, Tuought Y9u Ssid W3 Hsd Dfal Hfey, Mfr. Dmj, Tuhought Y9ou Ssaid Hsad Hefy, Mrf. Djm, Thuought Yo9u Sasid We3 Hasd Defal
Hry, Me. Dn, Tnought Y0u Swid Wf Hwd Dral Hrey, Mer. Dnj, Tnhought Y0ou Wfe Hwad Hery, Mre. Djn, Thnought Yo0u Sawid Wef Hawd Deral
H4y, Mr.. Dh, Tbought Ylu Sxid Wr Hxd D4al H4ey, Mr Dhj, Tbhought Ylou Wre Hxad D4eal He4y, Mr. Djh, Thbought Yolu Saxid Wer Haxd De4al
Hdy, Du, Tgought Yiu Saiid W4 Hadd Ddal Hdey, Duj, Yiou Sad W4e Ha Ddeal Hedy, Dju, Thgought Yoiu Sadi We4 Had Dedal
Hwy, Dj,, Tyought Youu Sajd Wd Hax Dwal Hwey, Dj Yo Sajid Dweal Hewy, Dj, Thyought You Saijd Wed Hadx Dewal
Heyy, Thoought Yoh Sa9d Ww Hae Deaal He, Thught Yohu Sa9id Wwe Haed Del He,y Thuoght Youh Sai9d Wew Hade Dela
Heg, Thkught Yo7 Sald Haf Dezl Hegy, Thkought Yo7u Salid Hafd Dezal Heyg, Thokught You7 Saild Hadf Deazl
Heh, Th9ught Yok Saod Har Deql Hehy, Th9ought Saoid Hard Deqal Heyh, Tho9ught Youk Saiod Hadr Deaql
He6, Th0ught Yoi Sakd Hac Desl He6y, Th0ought Sakid Hacd Hey6, Tho0ught Youi Saikd Hadc Deasl
Heu, Thlught Yo8 Sa8d Has Dewl Heuy, Thlought Yo8u Sa8id Heyu, Tholught You8 Sai8d Hads Deawl
He7, Thiught Yoj Saud Dexl He7y, Thiought Yoju Sauid Dexal Hey7, Thoiught Youj Saiud Deaxl
Hej, Thouught Yoy Saidd Deall Hejy, Thoght Yoyu Sai Dea Heyj, Thoguht Youy Said Deal
Het, Thohght Saix Deak Hety, Thohught Saixd Deakl Heyt, Thouhght Saidx Dealk
Hey,, Tho7ght Saie Deao

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