This Ain't The Way Home

It took some time but now I'm sure this ain't the way home
I've never been down here before this ain't the way home
On the darkest roads I've ever seen this ain't the way home
Where things are nothing like they seem this ain't the way home
This ain't the way home

Distracted by the mystery this ain't the way home
Crushed by curiosity this ain't the way home
There were too many cracks in my defense this ain't the way home
And I somehow lost my common sense this ain't the way home
This ain't the way home

I don't know what I'm looking for
And now I'm on my own
I won the battle but I lost the war and this ain't the way home
This ain't the way home
This ain't the way home

I might have failed but at least I tried this ain't the way home
I kept my blue eyes open wide this ain't the way home
Well I guess somehow I should have known this ain't the way home
At times like these you're on your own this ain't the way home
This ain't the way home
This ain't the way home

I don't know what I'm looking for
And now I'm on my own
I won the battle but I lost the war and this ain't the way home
This ain't the way home
This ain't the way home

This ain't the way home
This ain't the way home
This ain't the way home
This ain't the way home

Mirror lyrics:

This ain't the way home
This ain't the way home
This ain't the way home
This ain't the way home

This ain't the way home
This ain't the way home
I won the battle but I lost the war and this ain't the way home
And now I'm on my own
I don't know what I'm looking for

This ain't the way home
This ain't the way home
At times like these you're on your own this ain't the way home
Well I guess somehow I should have known this ain't the way home
I kept my blue eyes open wide this ain't the way home
I might have failed but at least I tried this ain't the way home

This ain't the way home
This ain't the way home
I won the battle but I lost the war and this ain't the way home
And now I'm on my own
I don't know what I'm looking for

This ain't the way home
And I somehow lost my common sense this ain't the way home
There were too many cracks in my defense this ain't the way home
Crushed by curiosity this ain't the way home
Distracted by the mystery this ain't the way home

This ain't the way home
Where things are nothing like they seem this ain't the way home
On the darkest roads I've ever seen this ain't the way home
I've never been down here before this ain't the way home
It took some time but now I'm sure this ain't the way home

Relevant Tags:
TThis AAin't TThe WWay HHome his in't he ay ome hTis iAn't hTe aWy oHme fhis zin't fhe aay jome fThis zAin't fThe aWay jHome Tfhis Azin't Tfhe Waay Hjome
5his qin't 5he 3ay uome 5This qAin't 5The 3Way uHome T5his Aqin't T5he W3ay Huome hhis sin't hhe day nome hThis sAin't hThe dWay nHome Thhis Asin't Thhe Wday Hnome
yhis win't yhe eay bome yThis wAin't yThe eWay bHome Tyhis Awin't Tyhe Weay Hbome 6his xin't 6he say gome 6This xAin't 6The sWay gHome T6his Axin't T6he Wsay Hgome
ghis Aiin't ghe 2ay yome gThis An't gThe 2Way yHome Tghis Ani't Tghe W2ay Hyome rhis Ajn't rhe qay Hoome rThis Ajin't rThe qWay Hme Trhis Aijn't Trhe Wqay Hmoe
A9n't Hkme Tis A9in't Te Wy Hkome Tihs Ai9n't Teh Wya Hokme Tjis Aln't Tje Wzy H9me Tjhis Alin't Tjhe Wzay H9ome Thjis Ailn't Thje Wazy Ho9me
Tuis Aon't Tue Wqy H0me Tuhis Aoin't Tuhe H0ome Thuis Aion't Thue Waqy Ho0me Tnis Akn't Tne Wsy Hlme Tnhis Akin't Tnhe Hlome Thnis Aikn't Thne Wasy Holme
Tbis A8n't Tbe Wwy Hime Tbhis A8in't Tbhe Wway Hiome Thbis Ai8n't Thbe Wawy Hoime Tgis Aun't Tge Wxy Homme Auin't Wxay Hoe Thgis Aiun't Thge Waxy Hoem
Tyis Ainn't Tye Wayy Hoje

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