End Of The World

I see cities crumble
I see mountains fall
I see the water's burning
The water's boiling hot

I know, I see
The end is coming

And they all hold their breath
As they watch the last sunset
And their dreams have finally come
At the end of the world

Oh I belive the end is coming now
I'm standing on the edge
I'm watching two sunsets

The water is on fire
I know, I see

And they all hold their breath
As they watch the last sunset
And their dreams have finally come
At the end of the world

And they all hold their breath
As they watch the last sunset
And their dreams have finally come
At the end of the world

I see cities crumble
I see mountains fall
I see the water's burning
The water's boiling hot

I know, I see
The end is coming

And they all hold their breath
As they watch the last sunset
And their dreams have finally come
At the end of the world
Of the world, of the world oh oh oh

Mirror lyrics:

Of the world, of the world oh oh oh
At the end of the world
And their dreams have finally come
As they watch the last sunset
And they all hold their breath

The end is coming
I know, I see

The water's boiling hot
I see the water's burning
I see mountains fall
I see cities crumble

At the end of the world
And their dreams have finally come
As they watch the last sunset
And they all hold their breath

At the end of the world
And their dreams have finally come
As they watch the last sunset
And they all hold their breath

I know, I see
The water is on fire

I'm watching two sunsets
I'm standing on the edge
Oh I belive the end is coming now

At the end of the world
And their dreams have finally come
As they watch the last sunset
And they all hold their breath

The end is coming
I know, I see

The water's boiling hot
I see the water's burning
I see mountains fall
I see cities crumble

Relevant Tags:
EEnd OOf TThe WWorld nd f he orld nEd fO hTe oWrld snd kf fhe aorld sEnd kOf fThe aWorld Esnd Okf Tfhe Waorld 3nd 9f 5he 3orld
3End 9Of 5The 3World E3nd O9f T5he W3orld fnd 0f hhe dorld fEnd 0Of hThe dWorld Efnd O0f Thhe Wdorld rnd lf yhe eorld rEnd lOf yThe eWorld
Ernd Olf Tyhe Weorld 4nd if 6he sorld 4End iOf 6The sWorld E4nd Oif T6he Wsorld dnd Off ghe 2orld dEnd O gThe 2World Ednd Of Tghe W2orld
wnd Oc rhe qorld wEnd Ocf rThe qWorld Ewnd Ofc Trhe Wqorld Ennd Or Woorld Ed Orf Te Wrld Edn Ofr Teh Wrold Emd Og Tje Wkrld
Emnd Ogf Tjhe Wkorld Enmd Ofg Thje Wokrld Ehd Ot Tue W9rld Ehnd Otf Tuhe W9orld Enhd Oft Thue Wo9rld Ejd Ov Tne W0rld Ejnd Ovf Tnhe W0orld
Enjd Ofv Thne Wo0rld Ebd Od Tbe Wlrld Ebnd Odf Tbhe Wlorld Enbd Ofd Thbe Wolrld Endd Tge Wirld En Wiorld End Thge Woirld
Enx Tye Worrld Enxd Wold Endx Thye Wolrd Ene Thee Wodld Ened Th Wodrld Ende The Wordld Enf Ths Wo4ld
Enfd Thse Wo4rld

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