Angelina And Sister Ray

Angelina come on
It's not Babylon
You have already won
Don't waste your time on...

Angelina my friend
Eating fire again
They'll never understand
How you move so easily
And as far as the eyes can see

Like Virgin Mary with a social disease
Out of the woodwork and into the trees
She can walk in a straight line but she doesn't even wanna try

Angelina be fine
So much sweeter than wine
Pick the songs you like
It's alright, you will find the...

Angelina be gone
You're better off alone
The sunflowers are gone
Now it's down to the rules of the road
You'll be fine, oh so fine now go, go

Like Virgin Mary and the sacred police
Out of the woodwork and into the trees
She can walk in a straight line but she doesn't even wanna try

Queen of the future with the key to the past
She's got those moments of paradise
She can fly like a bird but you know she doesn't even wanna take off
Like sister Ray but more to the point
Before you catch her eye she's out of the joint
She can walk in a straight line but she doesn't even wanna try

Mirror lyrics:

She can walk in a straight line but she doesn't even wanna try
Before you catch her eye she's out of the joint
Like sister Ray but more to the point
She can fly like a bird but you know she doesn't even wanna take off
She's got those moments of paradise
Queen of the future with the key to the past

She can walk in a straight line but she doesn't even wanna try
Out of the woodwork and into the trees
Like Virgin Mary and the sacred police

You'll be fine, oh so fine now go, go
Now it's down to the rules of the road
The sunflowers are gone
You're better off alone
Angelina be gone

It's alright, you will find the...
Pick the songs you like
So much sweeter than wine
Angelina be fine

She can walk in a straight line but she doesn't even wanna try
Out of the woodwork and into the trees
Like Virgin Mary with a social disease

And as far as the eyes can see
How you move so easily
They'll never understand
Eating fire again
Angelina my friend

Don't waste your time on...
You have already won
It's not Babylon
Angelina come on

Relevant Tags:
AAngelina AAnd SSister RRay ngelina nd ister ay nAgelina nAd iSster aRy zngelina znd zister day zAngelina zAnd zSister dRay Azngelina Aznd Szister Rday
qngelina qnd wister 4ay qAngelina qAnd wSister 4Ray Aqngelina Aqnd Swister R4ay sngelina snd dister gay sAngelina sAnd dSister gRay Asngelina Asnd Sdister Rgay
wngelina wnd eister tay wAngelina wAnd eSister tRay Awngelina Awnd Seister Rtay xngelina xnd xister 5ay xAngelina xAnd xSister 5Ray Axngelina Axnd Sxister R5ay
Anngelina Annd aister fay Agelina Ad aSister fRay Agnelina Adn Saister Rfay Amgelina Amd Siister eay Amngelina Amnd Sster eRay Anmgelina Anmd Ssiter Reay
Ahgelina Ahd Sjster Raay Ahngelina Ahnd Sjister Ry Anhgelina Anhd Sijster Rya Ajgelina Ajd S9ster Rzy Ajngelina Ajnd S9ister Rzay Anjgelina Anjd Si9ster Razy
Abgelina Abd Slster Rqy Abngelina Abnd Slister Rqay Anbgelina Anbd Silster Raqy Anggelina Andd Soster Rsy Anelina An Soister Rsay Aneglina And Sioster Rasy
Anhelina Anx Skster Rwy Anxd Skister Rway Anghelina Andx Sikster Rawy Anyelina Ane S8ster Rxy Anygelina Aned S8ister Rxay Angyelina Ande Si8ster Raxy
Anbelina Anf Suster Rayy Anfd Suister Ra Angbelina Andf Siuster Ray Anvelina Anr Sisster Rag Anvgelina Anrd Siter Ragy Angvelina Andr Sitser Rayg
Anfelina Anc Sizter Rah Anfgelina Ancd Sizster Rahy Angfelina Andc Siszter Rayh Antelina Ans Siwter Ra6 Antgelina Ansd Siwster Ra6y Angtelina Ands Siswter Ray6
Angeelina Sidter Rau Anglina Sidster Rauy Angleina Sisdter Rayu Angslina Sieter Ra7 Angselina Siester Ra7y Angeslina Siseter Ray7
Ang3lina Sixter Raj Ang3elina Sixster Rajy Ange3lina Sisxter Rayj Angflina Siater Rat Siaster Raty Angeflina Sisater Rayt
Angrlina Sistter Angrelina Siser Angerlina Sisetr Ang4lina Sisfer

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