Coming Home

It?s a beautiful day
It?s a beautiful morning
I?m coming home
It?s a beautiful day
Memories are calling
I?m coming home

After the fall
There comes a time to rest your senses
And after all
I decided that I won?t be on my own
So I?m driving
And the streets
Are as white as they can be
There?s a light in everything I see
I?m coming home


I walk alone
And that perfect smell seems so familiar
Like I?ve never been gone
And I feel the warm embrace of everyone
I was missing
Now I?m here
And I?m listening to the voice
That is leading me the last steps down the road
I?m coming home


It?s a beautiful day
It?s a day to remember
I?m coming home
It?s a beautiful day
And I finally end up
I?m coming home

Refrain 2x

Mirror lyrics:

Refrain 2x

I?m coming home
And I finally end up
It?s a beautiful day
I?m coming home
It?s a day to remember
It?s a beautiful day


I?m coming home
That is leading me the last steps down the road
And I?m listening to the voice
Now I?m here
I was missing
And I feel the warm embrace of everyone
Like I?ve never been gone
And that perfect smell seems so familiar
I walk alone


I?m coming home
There?s a light in everything I see
Are as white as they can be
And the streets
So I?m driving
I decided that I won?t be on my own
And after all
There comes a time to rest your senses
After the fall

I?m coming home
Memories are calling
It?s a beautiful day
I?m coming home
It?s a beautiful morning
It?s a beautiful day

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CComing HHome oming ome oCming oHme foming jome fComing jHome Cfoming Hjome xoming uome xComing uHome Cxoming Huome voming nome
vComing nHome Cvoming Hnome doming bome dComing bHome Cdoming Hbome Cooming gome Cming gHome Cmoing Hgome Ckming yome Ckoming yHome
Cokming Hyome C9ming Hoome C9oming Hme Co9ming Hmoe C0ming Hkme C0oming Hkome Co0ming Hokme Clming H9me Cloming H9ome Colming Ho9me
Ciming H0me Cioming H0ome Coiming Ho0me Comming Hlme Coing Hlome Coimng Holme Cojing Hime Cojming Hiome Comjing Hoime Coking Homme
Hoe Comking Hoem Coning Hoje Conming Hojme Comning Homje Comiing Hoke Comng Comnig Homke Comjng Hone Honme

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