Raindrops (encore Une Fois) (feat. Stunt)

Feels like the raindrops
Feels like the raindrops

Hold my hand let's chase the sun
We both know something's begun
Nothing feels that real without you
Wanna learn so much about you

Shining star I've seen your face
Everything falls into place
Nothing else seems to matter

Feels so lonely
Won't you show me
Where I need to be
(You bring me to life)

I'm coming forth

Feels like the raindrops on my skin
You reach me somewhere deep within
You make my body come alive
(You bring me to life)

See it burning in my eyes
Don't want words, don't want no lies
They say more than what is spoken
Promises always get broken

Feels so lonely
Won't you show me
Where I need to be
(You bring me to life)

Feels like the raindrops on my skin
You reach me somewhere deep within
You make my body come alive

I whisper things you never knew
I can't believe that tonight I'm here with you
You make my body come alive

You bring me to life

Feels so lonely
Won't you show me
Where I need to be

I'm coming forth

Feels like the raindrops on my skin
You reach me somewhere deep within
You make my body come alive

Feels like the raindrops
Feels like the raindrops

Hold my hand let's chase the sun
We both know something's begun
Nothing feels that real without you
Wanna learn so much about you

Shining star I've seen your face
Everything falls into place
Nothing else seems to matter

Feels so lonely
Won't you show me
Where I need to be
(You bring me to life)

I'm coming forth

Feels like the raindrops on my skin
You reach me somewhere deep within
You make my body come alive
(You bring me to life)

See it burning in my eyes
Don't want words, don't want no lies
They say more than what is spoken
Promises always get broken

Feels so lonely
Won't you show me
Where I need to be
(You bring me to life)

Feels like the raindrops on my skin
You reach me somewhere deep within
You make my body come alive

I whisper things you never knew
I can't believe that tonight I'm here with you
You make my body come alive

I'm coming forth

Mirror lyrics:

I'm coming forth

You make my body come alive
I can't believe that tonight I'm here with you
I whisper things you never knew

You make my body come alive
You reach me somewhere deep within
Feels like the raindrops on my skin

(You bring me to life)
Where I need to be
Won't you show me
Feels so lonely

Promises always get broken
They say more than what is spoken
Don't want words, don't want no lies
See it burning in my eyes

(You bring me to life)
You make my body come alive
You reach me somewhere deep within
Feels like the raindrops on my skin

I'm coming forth

(You bring me to life)
Where I need to be
Won't you show me
Feels so lonely

Nothing else seems to matter
Everything falls into place
Shining star I've seen your face

Wanna learn so much about you
Nothing feels that real without you
We both know something's begun
Hold my hand let's chase the sun

Feels like the raindrops
Feels like the raindrops

You make my body come alive
You reach me somewhere deep within
Feels like the raindrops on my skin

I'm coming forth

Where I need to be
Won't you show me
Feels so lonely

You bring me to life

You make my body come alive
I can't believe that tonight I'm here with you
I whisper things you never knew

You make my body come alive
You reach me somewhere deep within
Feels like the raindrops on my skin

(You bring me to life)
Where I need to be
Won't you show me
Feels so lonely

Promises always get broken
They say more than what is spoken
Don't want words, don't want no lies
See it burning in my eyes

(You bring me to life)
You make my body come alive
You reach me somewhere deep within
Feels like the raindrops on my skin

I'm coming forth

(You bring me to life)
Where I need to be
Won't you show me
Feels so lonely

Nothing else seems to matter
Everything falls into place
Shining star I've seen your face

Wanna learn so much about you
Nothing feels that real without you
We both know something's begun
Hold my hand let's chase the sun

Feels like the raindrops
Feels like the raindrops

Relevant Tags:
RRaindrops ((encore UUne FFois) ((feat. SStunt) aindrops encore ne ois) feat. tunt) aRindrops e(ncore nUe oFis) f(eat. tSunt)
daindrops (eencore hne cois) (ffeat. ztunt) dRaindrops (ncore hUne cFois) (eat. zStunt) Rdaindrops (necore Uhne Fcois) (efat. Sztunt)
4aindrops (sncore 7ne rois) (ceat. wtunt) 4Raindrops (sencore 7Une rFois) (cfeat. wStunt) R4aindrops (esncore U7ne Frois) (fceat. Swtunt)
gaindrops (3ncore kne gois) (reat. dtunt) gRaindrops (3encore kUne gFois) (rfeat. dStunt) Rgaindrops (e3ncore Ukne Fgois) (freat. Sdtunt)
taindrops (fncore ine tois) (geat. etunt) tRaindrops (fencore iUne tFois) (gfeat. eStunt) Rtaindrops (efncore Uine Ftois) (fgeat. Setunt)
5aindrops (rncore 8ne vois) (teat. xtunt) 5Raindrops (rencore 8Une vFois) (tfeat. xStunt) R5aindrops (erncore U8ne Fvois) (fteat. Sxtunt)
faindrops (4ncore jne dois) (veat. atunt) fRaindrops (4encore jUne dFois) (vfeat. aStunt) Rfaindrops (e4ncore Ujne Fdois) (fveat. Satunt)
eaindrops (dncore yne Foois) (deat. Sttunt) eRaindrops (dencore yUne Fis) (dfeat. Sunt) Reaindrops (edncore Uyne Fios) (fdeat. Sutnt)
Raaindrops (wncore Unne Fkis) (feeat. Sfunt) Rindrops (wencore Ue Fkois) (fat. Sftunt) Riandrops (ewncore Uen Fokis) (faet. Stfunt)
Rzindrops (enncore Ume F9is) (fsat. S5unt) Rzaindrops (ecore Umne F9ois) (fseat. S5tunt) Razindrops (ecnore Unme Fo9is) (fesat. St5unt)
Rqindrops (emcore Uhe F0is) (f3at. Shunt) Rqaindrops (emncore F0ois) (f3eat. Shtunt) Raqindrops (enmcore Unhe Fo0is) (fe3at. Sthunt)
Rsindrops (ehcore Uje Flis) (ffat. Syunt) Rsaindrops (ehncore Flois) Sytunt) Rasindrops (enhcore Unje Folis) (fefat. Styunt)
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Rxindrops (ebcore Unee (f4at. Sgunt) Rxaindrops (ebncore Un Fos) (f4eat. Sgtunt) Raxindrops (enbcore Une Fosi) (fe4at. Stgunt)
Raiindrops (enccore Uns Fojs) (fdat. Srunt) Randrops (enore Unse Fojis) Srtunt) Ranidrops (enocre Unes Foijs) (fedat. Strunt)
Rajndrops (enfore Un3 Fo9s) (fwat. Stuunt) Rajindrops (enfcore Un3e (fweat. Stnt) Raijndrops (encfore Une3 Foi9s) (fewat. Stnut)
Ra9ndrops (enxore Unf Fols) (feaat. Sthnt) Ra9indrops (enxcore Unfe (fet. Rai9ndrops (encxore Unef Foils) (feta. Stuhnt)
Ralndrops (envore Unr Foos) (fezt. St7nt) Ralindrops (envcore Unre (fezat. St7unt) Railndrops (encvore Uner Foios) (feazt. Stu7nt)
Raondrops (endore Un4 Foks) (feqt. Stknt) Raoindrops (endcore Un4e (feqat. Stkunt) Raiondrops (encdore Une4 Foiks) (feaqt. Stuknt)
Rakndrops (encoore Und Fo8s) (fest. Stint) Rakindrops (encre Unde Fo8is) Stiunt) Raikndrops (encroe Uned Foi8s) (feast. Stuint)
Ra8ndrops (enckre Unw Fous) (fewt. St8nt) Ra8indrops (enckore Unwe Fouis) St8unt) Rai8ndrops (encokre Unew Foius) (feawt. Stu8nt)
Raundrops (enc9re Foiss) (fext. Stjnt) Rauindrops (enc9ore Foi) (fexat. Stjunt) Raiundrops (enco9re Foi)s (feaxt. Stujnt)
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Raibdrops (encode Foix) (feay. Stujt) Raibndrops (encodre Foixs) (feayt. Rainbdrops (encorde Foisx) (featy. Stunjt)
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