Mental Mercury

Past tense icons
locked up in cages
A disgrace to us, (and) a vital sight of (impending) doom
Upheld by insane aggression
No tender repentance, (just) denial of ugliness
With the rain come their conquest

Behold those who ride black winds
Satan, the kings are heading home

No harmony on the horizon
when our haven burns silently
An image of absolute mutiny
against those who pertain to the dearest hell

Monotonous graveyard plains -
The soul exile
Quintessence of pain -
a higher form of suffering!

(Why should man be protected,
what has he done to justify it?
This is why we embrace animals;
they represent the innocence man doesn't have)

Monotonous graveyard plains -
The soul exile
Quintessence of pain -
Satan, the kings are heading home

Mirror lyrics:

Satan, the kings are heading home
Quintessence of pain -
The soul exile
Monotonous graveyard plains -

they represent the innocence man doesn't have)
This is why we embrace animals;
what has he done to justify it?
(Why should man be protected,

a higher form of suffering!
Quintessence of pain -
The soul exile
Monotonous graveyard plains -

against those who pertain to the dearest hell
An image of absolute mutiny
when our haven burns silently
No harmony on the horizon

Satan, the kings are heading home
Behold those who ride black winds

With the rain come their conquest
No tender repentance, (just) denial of ugliness
Upheld by insane aggression
A disgrace to us, (and) a vital sight of (impending) doom
locked up in cages
Past tense icons

Relevant Tags:
MMental MMercury ental ercury eMntal eMrcury jental jercury jMental jMercury Mjental Mjercury kental kercury kMental kMercury
Mkental Mkercury nental nercury nMental nMercury Mnental Mnercury Meental Meercury Mntal Mrcury Mnetal Mrecury Msntal Msrcury
Msental Msercury Mesntal Mesrcury M3ntal M3rcury M3ental M3ercury Me3ntal Me3rcury Mfntal Mfrcury Mfental Mfercury Mefntal Mefrcury
Mrntal Mrrcury Mrental Mrercury Merntal Merrcury M4ntal M4rcury M4ental M4ercury Me4ntal Me4rcury Mdntal Mdrcury Mdental Mdercury
Medntal Medrcury Mwntal Mwrcury Mwental Mwercury Mewntal Mewrcury Menntal Metal Mecury Metnal Mecrury Memtal Medcury
Memntal Menmtal Merdcury Mehtal Me4cury Mehntal Menhtal Mer4cury Mejtal Megcury Mejntal Megrcury Menjtal Mergcury
Mebtal Metcury Mebntal Metrcury Menbtal Mertcury Menttal Me5cury Menal Me5rcury Menatl Mer5cury Menfal Mefcury Menftal
Mentfal Merfcury Men5al Meecury Men5tal Ment5al Merecury Menhal Merccury Merury Menthal Merucry Menyal Merfury
Menytal Mentyal Mercfury Men6al Merxury Men6tal Merxcury Ment6al Mercxury

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