The Melting Point Of Wax

I've waited for this moment
all my life and more
and now I see so clearly
what I could not see before
the time is now or never
and this chance won't come again
throw caution and myself into the wind

there's no promise of safety
with these secondhand wings
but I'm willing to find out
what impossible means
a leap of faith

parody of an angel
miles above the sea
I hear the voice of reason
screaming after me
you flew far to high for
now you're too close to the sun
soon your makeshift wings will come undone

but how will I know
limits from lies
if I never try

there's no promise of safety
with these secondhand wings
but I'm willing to find out
what impossible means
I climb through the heavens
on feathers and dreams
cause the melting point of wax
means nothing to me
nothing to me
nothing to me

I will touch the sun
or I will die trying
die trying

fly on these secondhand wings
I'm willing to find out
what impossible means
I climb though the heavens
on feathers and dreams
cause the melting point of wax
means nothing to me
nothing to me
it means nothing to me
miles above the sea

Mirror lyrics:

miles above the sea
it means nothing to me
nothing to me
means nothing to me
cause the melting point of wax
on feathers and dreams
I climb though the heavens
what impossible means
I'm willing to find out
fly on these secondhand wings

die trying
or I will die trying
I will touch the sun

nothing to me
nothing to me
means nothing to me
cause the melting point of wax
on feathers and dreams
I climb through the heavens
what impossible means
but I'm willing to find out
with these secondhand wings
there's no promise of safety

if I never try
limits from lies
but how will I know

soon your makeshift wings will come undone
now you're too close to the sun
you flew far to high for
screaming after me
I hear the voice of reason
miles above the sea
parody of an angel

a leap of faith
what impossible means
but I'm willing to find out
with these secondhand wings
there's no promise of safety

throw caution and myself into the wind
and this chance won't come again
the time is now or never
what I could not see before
and now I see so clearly
all my life and more
I've waited for this moment

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMelting PPoint OOf WWax he elting oint f ax hTe eMlting oPint fO aWx fhe jelting 0oint kf aax fThe jMelting 0Point kOf aWax Tfhe Mjelting P0oint Okf Waax
5he kelting loint 9f 3ax 5The kMelting lPoint 9Of 3Wax T5he Mkelting Ploint O9f W3ax hhe nelting ooint 0f dax hThe nMelting oPoint 0Of dWax Thhe Mnelting Pooint O0f Wdax
yhe Meelting lf eax yThe Mlting Pint lOf eWax Tyhe Mleting Piont Olf Weax 6he Mslting Pkint if sax 6The Mselting Pkoint iOf sWax T6he Meslting Pokint Oif Wsax
ghe M3lting P9int Off 2ax gThe M3elting P9oint O 2Wax Tghe Me3lting Po9int Of W2ax rhe Mflting P0int Oc qax rThe Mfelting Ocf qWax Trhe Meflting Po0int Ofc Wqax
Mrlting Plint Or Te Mrelting Orf Wx Teh Merlting Polint Ofr Wxa Tje M4lting Piint Og Wzx Tjhe M4elting Pioint Ogf Wzax Thje Me4lting Poiint Ofg Wazx
Tue Mdlting Ot Wqx Tuhe Mdelting Pont Otf Thue Medlting Ponit Oft Waqx Tne Mwlting Pojnt Ov Wsx Tnhe Mwelting Pojint Ovf Thne Mewlting Poijnt Ofv Wasx
Tbe Mellting Po9nt Od Wwx Tbhe Meting Odf Wwax Thbe Metling Poi9nt Ofd Wawx Tge Mekting Polnt Wxx Meklting Wxax Thge Melkting Poilnt Waxx
Tye Meoting Poont Meolting Wa Thye Meloting Poiont Wax Thee Mepting Poknt Wad Th Meplting Wadx The Melpting Poiknt Waxd
Ths Meltting Po8nt Waz Thse Meling Po8int Thes Melitng Poi8nt Waxz Th3 Melfing Pount Wac Th3e Melfting Pouint Wacx The3 Meltfing Poiunt Waxc
Thf Mel5ing Poinnt Was Thfe Mel5ting Poit Thef Melt5ing Poitn Waxs Thr Melhing Poimt Thre Melhting Poimnt Ther Melthing Poinmt
Th4 Melying Poiht Th4e Melyting Poihnt The4 Meltying Poinht Thd Mel6ing Poijt Thde Mel6ting

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