Of Dust And Nations

The towers that shoulder your pride,
The words you've written in stone.
Sand will cover them, sand will cover you.
The streets that suffer your name,
Your very flesh and your bones,
Sand will cover them, sand will cover you.

So put your faith in more than steel,
Don't store your treasures up, with moth and rust,
Where thieves break in and steal.
pull the fangs from out your heel,
We live in but a shadow of the real.

Step out from time, see the dust of nations.
Step out from time, hear the stars ovation.

Saturn will not sleep until, the sand has made us clean
Still we stack our stones and bury what we can
But it all will be undone, nothing built under the sun
Will ever stand before the endless march of sand

So put your faith in more than steel,
Don't store your treasures up, with moth and rust,
Where thieves break in and steal.
pull the fangs from out your heel,
We live in but a shadow of the real.

So put your faith in more than steel,
Don't store your treasures up, with moth and rust,
Where thieves break in and steal.
pull the fangs from out your heel,
We live in but a shadow of the real.

Mirror lyrics:

We live in but a shadow of the real.
pull the fangs from out your heel,
Where thieves break in and steal.
Don't store your treasures up, with moth and rust,
So put your faith in more than steel,

We live in but a shadow of the real.
pull the fangs from out your heel,
Where thieves break in and steal.
Don't store your treasures up, with moth and rust,
So put your faith in more than steel,

Will ever stand before the endless march of sand
But it all will be undone, nothing built under the sun
Still we stack our stones and bury what we can
Saturn will not sleep until, the sand has made us clean

Step out from time, hear the stars ovation.
Step out from time, see the dust of nations.

We live in but a shadow of the real.
pull the fangs from out your heel,
Where thieves break in and steal.
Don't store your treasures up, with moth and rust,
So put your faith in more than steel,

Sand will cover them, sand will cover you.
Your very flesh and your bones,
The streets that suffer your name,
Sand will cover them, sand will cover you.
The words you've written in stone.
The towers that shoulder your pride,

Relevant Tags:
OOf DDust AAnd NNations f ust nd ations fO uDst nAd aNtions kf xust znd mations kOf xDust zAnd mNations Okf Dxust Aznd Nmations
9f eust qnd hations 9Of eDust qAnd hNations O9f Deust Aqnd Nhations 0f fust snd jations 0Of fDust sAnd jNations O0f Dfust Asnd Njations
lf rust wnd bations lOf rDust wAnd bNations Olf Drust Awnd Nbations if cust xnd Naations iOf cDust xAnd Ntions Oif Dcust Axnd Ntaions
Off sust Annd Nztions O sDust Ad Nzations Of Dsust Adn Naztions Oc Duust Amd Nqtions Ocf Dst Amnd Nqations Ofc Dsut Anmd Naqtions
Or Dhst Ahd Nstions Orf Dhust Ahnd Nsations Ofr Duhst Anhd Nastions Og D7st Ajd Nwtions Ogf D7ust Ajnd Nwations Ofg Du7st Anjd Nawtions
Ot Dkst Abd Nxtions Otf Dkust Abnd Nxations Oft Dukst Anbd Naxtions Ov Dist Andd Nattions Ovf Diust An Naions Ofv Duist And Naitons
Od D8st Anx Nafions Odf D8ust Anxd Naftions Ofd Du8st Andx Natfions Djst Ane Na5ions Djust Aned Na5tions Dujst Ande Nat5ions
Dyst Anf Nahions Dyust Anfd Nahtions Duyst Andf Nathions Dusst Anr Nayions Dut Anrd Naytions Duts Andr Natyions
Duzt Anc Na6ions Duzst Ancd Na6tions Duszt Andc Nat6ions Duwt Ans Nagions Duwst Ansd Nagtions Duswt Ands Natgions
Dudt Narions Dudst Nartions Dusdt Natrions Duet Natiions Duest Natons Duset Natoins
Duxt Natjons Duxst Natjions Dusxt Natijons Duat Nat9ons Duast Nat9ions

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