
you used to call me different like there was something wrong
a vanishing of reason a soon forgotten song
you used to call me special when i was very small
but now i'm old i should have known
you don't call me any more
and every day you turn away from everything you know
and every night you fade your light soon you won't know where to go

angels calling at my door
i don't know what scares me more
going where they call me to
or staying on this world with you

you used to call me baby but now i'm fully grown
now you're old your eyes are cold and you are so alone
you don't believe your visions you don't believe your son
you don't believe in anything but what your hands have done
and every day you turn away from everything you've heard
and every night you close your eyes and hide your face from every word

angels calling at my door
i don't know what scares me more
going where they call me to
or staying on this world with you

don't you here my gentle voice i'm calling your name
only just a whisper but you know what i'm saying
you are worth so much to me much more than you know
all you've got to do is choose the way that you go

and when you're lost in me i will be found in you
and when i'm found in you the truth will set you free

don't you be so terrified i'll do you no wrong
i don't want to crucify but help you along
you've been losing out on so much more than you know
you've been choosing dangerous paths instead of my road

and when you're lost in me i will be found in you
and when i'm found in you the truth will set you free

angels calling at my door
i don't know what scares me more
going where they call me to
or staying on this world with you

Mirror lyrics:

or staying on this world with you
going where they call me to
i don't know what scares me more
angels calling at my door

and when i'm found in you the truth will set you free
and when you're lost in me i will be found in you

you've been choosing dangerous paths instead of my road
you've been losing out on so much more than you know
i don't want to crucify but help you along
don't you be so terrified i'll do you no wrong

and when i'm found in you the truth will set you free
and when you're lost in me i will be found in you

all you've got to do is choose the way that you go
you are worth so much to me much more than you know
only just a whisper but you know what i'm saying
don't you here my gentle voice i'm calling your name

or staying on this world with you
going where they call me to
i don't know what scares me more
angels calling at my door

and every night you close your eyes and hide your face from every word
and every day you turn away from everything you've heard
you don't believe in anything but what your hands have done
you don't believe your visions you don't believe your son
now you're old your eyes are cold and you are so alone
you used to call me baby but now i'm fully grown

or staying on this world with you
going where they call me to
i don't know what scares me more
angels calling at my door

and every night you fade your light soon you won't know where to go
and every day you turn away from everything you know
you don't call me any more
but now i'm old i should have known
you used to call me special when i was very small
a vanishing of reason a soon forgotten song
you used to call me different like there was something wrong

Relevant Tags:
AAngels ngels nAgels zngels zAngels Azngels qngels qAngels Aqngels sngels sAngels
Asngels wngels wAngels Awngels xngels xAngels Axngels Anngels Agels Agnels Amgels
Amngels Anmgels Ahgels Ahngels Anhgels Ajgels Ajngels Anjgels Abgels Abngels Anbgels
Anggels Anels Anegls Anhels Anghels Anyels Anygels Angyels Anbels Angbels Anvels
Anvgels Angvels Anfels Anfgels Angfels Antels Antgels Angtels

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