Tiger Army
What Happens

You're walking in the night - you walk alone
The shadows whisper your name...
A stranger beckons you, like none you've seen
You can't ignore his request as he whispers, "Come to me..."

I want to show you what happens when we die...
You take a chance and then it's too late when you realize
I want to show you what happens when
I want to show you what's happening
I want to show you what happens when we die

Time has come to see beyond now - reach out take my hand
Something inside beckons you...
A shiver takes you - delicious thrill
Tonight's our destiny, so come and let it be fulfilled

Mirror lyrics:

Tonight's our destiny, so come and let it be fulfilled
A shiver takes you - delicious thrill
Something inside beckons you...
Time has come to see beyond now - reach out take my hand

I want to show you what happens when we die
I want to show you what's happening
I want to show you what happens when
You take a chance and then it's too late when you realize
I want to show you what happens when we die...

You can't ignore his request as he whispers, "Come to me..."
A stranger beckons you, like none you've seen
The shadows whisper your name...
You're walking in the night - you walk alone

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Whaat Halpens Wht Halppens Whta Haplpens Whzt Haopens Whzat Haoppens Whazt Hapopens Whqt Whqat Whaqt Hapepns
Whst Hap0ens Whsat Whast Happ0ens Whwt Haplens Whwat

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