Tift Merritt
Tell Me Something True

Woke up beside you in the night afraid
When I was young I was always brave
I was going where the wind was born
I don't know where that is anymore

Sometimes my heart feels so empty and mean
No blanket could warm, no water could clean
No direction on that same old wind
Could give me passage through

Tell me something true
Tell me something true
Oh, I have lost my way but when I find it
I'll bring it to you

Yeah, I know about sunshine and I know about May
But it doesn't always work out that way
How do you give your heart back to the world
Now that it's made a fool of you?

Tell me something true
Tell me something true
Oh, I have lost my way but when I find it
I'll bring it to you

Time's gonna come here so remiss
He will forget my words, forget my kiss
You wanna love me, better take me like this
I think the best that I can do is

Tell you something true
I'll tell you something true
Or I will lose my way but when I find it
I'll bring it to you, I'll bring it to you

I'm gonna lose my way
I'm gonna lose my way but when I find it
Oh baby, I'll bring it to you

Tell me something true
Just tell me something true
Tell me something true
Just tell me something true

Oh, tell me something true
Tell me something true

Mirror lyrics:

Tell me something true
Oh, tell me something true

Just tell me something true
Tell me something true
Just tell me something true
Tell me something true

Oh baby, I'll bring it to you
I'm gonna lose my way but when I find it
I'm gonna lose my way

I'll bring it to you, I'll bring it to you
Or I will lose my way but when I find it
I'll tell you something true
Tell you something true

I think the best that I can do is
You wanna love me, better take me like this
He will forget my words, forget my kiss
Time's gonna come here so remiss

I'll bring it to you
Oh, I have lost my way but when I find it
Tell me something true
Tell me something true

Now that it's made a fool of you?
How do you give your heart back to the world
But it doesn't always work out that way
Yeah, I know about sunshine and I know about May

I'll bring it to you
Oh, I have lost my way but when I find it
Tell me something true
Tell me something true

Could give me passage through
No direction on that same old wind
No blanket could warm, no water could clean
Sometimes my heart feels so empty and mean

I don't know where that is anymore
I was going where the wind was born
When I was young I was always brave
Woke up beside you in the night afraid

Relevant Tags:
TTell MMe SSomething TTrue ell e omething rue eTll eM oSmething rTue fell je zomething frue fTell jMe zSomething fTrue Tfell Mje Szomething Tfrue
5ell ke womething 5rue 5Tell kMe wSomething 5True T5ell Mke Swomething T5rue hell ne domething hrue hTell nMe dSomething hTrue Thell Mne Sdomething Thrue
yell Mee eomething yrue yTell M eSomething yTrue Tyell Me Seomething Tyrue 6ell Ms xomething 6rue 6Tell Mse xSomething 6True T6ell Mes Sxomething T6rue
gell M3 aomething grue gTell M3e aSomething gTrue Tgell Me3 Saomething Tgrue rell Mf Soomething rrue rTell Mfe Smething rTrue Trell Mef Smoething Trrue
Teell Mr Skmething Tll Mre Skomething Tue Tlel Mer Sokmething Ture Tsll M4 S9mething Tdue Tsell M4e S9omething Tdrue Tesll Me4 So9mething Trdue
T3ll Md S0mething T4ue T3ell Mde S0omething T4rue Te3ll Med So0mething Tr4ue Tfll Mw Slmething Tgue Mwe Slomething Tefll Mew Solmething Trgue
Trll Simething Ttue Siomething Ttrue Terll Soimething Trtue T4ll Sommething T5ue T4ell Soething Te4ll Soemthing Tr5ue
Tdll Sojething Tfue Tdell Sojmething Tedll Somjething Trfue Twll Sokething Teue Twell Terue Tewll Somkething Treue
Telll Sonething Truue Tel Sonmething Tre Tell Somnething Treu Tekl Someething Trhe Tekll Somthing Trhue Telkl Somtehing Truhe
Teol Somsthing Tr7e Teoll Somsething Tr7ue Telol Somesthing Tru7e Tepl Som3thing Trke Tepll Som3ething Trkue Telpl Some3thing Truke
Somfthing Trie Somfething Triue Somefthing Truie Telk Somrthing Tr8e Somrething Tr8ue Tellk Somerthing Tru8e
Telo Som4thing Trje Som4ething Trjue Tello Some4thing Truje Telp Somdthing Trye Somdething Tryue Tellp Somedthing Truye
Somwthing Truee Somwething Tru Somewthing True Sometthing Trus Somehing Truse Somehting Trues
Somefhing Tru3 Tru3e Sometfhing True3 Some5hing Truf Some5thing Trufe Somet5hing Truef
Somehhing Trur

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