Tiffany Alvord
Dont Judge A Book By The Cover

When I told you, I didn't need you
That's when, I needed you the most
But you weren't there
So I'll just cry myself to sleep
Just shaking and in pain, cause I'm so weak
And I tried to tell you,
But you didn't listen

So now with tears in my eyes, as I lay here in bed
Now I know, that the book is different than the cover I read

Don't judge a book by the cover, otherwise you might go under
You don't know what you're getting into, oh-oh-oh
Don't judge a book by the cover, otherwise you might discover
That everything is different than you expected
So listen to what your heart says

The inside was different than the outsides truth,
It keeps changing, so what's the excuse
It should stay the same
Depressed and broken, everything's gray
Speechless without anything to say
How could you do this to me

And now with tears in my eyes, as I lay here in bed
Now I know, that the book is different than the cover I read

Don't judge a book by the cover, otherwise you might go under
You don't know what you're getting into, oh-oh-oh
Don't judge a book by the cover, otherwise you might discover
That everything is different than you expected
So listen to what your heart says

Yeah, dig a little deeper, see what message they convey
Yeah, find yourself a keeper, before you let them take you away
Yeah there's so many different covers, so many books upon the shelf
But the only thing that matters, is the story that it tells baby

Now I wipe the tears from eyes, and find someone new instead
There's no point in looking back on a cover I once read, baby

Don't judge a book by the cover, otherwise you might go under
You don't know what you're getting into, oh-oh-oh
Don't judge a book by the cover, otherwise you might discover
That everything is different than you expected
So listen to what your heart says

Mirror lyrics:

So listen to what your heart says
That everything is different than you expected
Don't judge a book by the cover, otherwise you might discover
You don't know what you're getting into, oh-oh-oh
Don't judge a book by the cover, otherwise you might go under

There's no point in looking back on a cover I once read, baby
Now I wipe the tears from eyes, and find someone new instead

But the only thing that matters, is the story that it tells baby
Yeah there's so many different covers, so many books upon the shelf
Yeah, find yourself a keeper, before you let them take you away
Yeah, dig a little deeper, see what message they convey

So listen to what your heart says
That everything is different than you expected
Don't judge a book by the cover, otherwise you might discover
You don't know what you're getting into, oh-oh-oh
Don't judge a book by the cover, otherwise you might go under

Now I know, that the book is different than the cover I read
And now with tears in my eyes, as I lay here in bed

How could you do this to me
Speechless without anything to say
Depressed and broken, everything's gray
It should stay the same
It keeps changing, so what's the excuse
The inside was different than the outsides truth,

So listen to what your heart says
That everything is different than you expected
Don't judge a book by the cover, otherwise you might discover
You don't know what you're getting into, oh-oh-oh
Don't judge a book by the cover, otherwise you might go under

Now I know, that the book is different than the cover I read
So now with tears in my eyes, as I lay here in bed

But you didn't listen
And I tried to tell you,
Just shaking and in pain, cause I'm so weak
So I'll just cry myself to sleep
But you weren't there
That's when, I needed you the most
When I told you, I didn't need you

Relevant Tags:
DDont JJudge AA BBook BBy TThe CCover ont udge ook y he over oDnt uJdge A oBok yB hTe oCver xont kudge z vook vy fhe fover xDont kJudge zA vBook vBy fThe fCover
Dxont Jkudge Az Bvook Bvy Tfhe Cfover eont iudge q gook gy 5he xover eDont iJudge qA gBook gBy 5The xCover Deont Jiudge Aq Bgook Bgy T5he Cxover font mudge s nook ny hhe vover
fDont mJudge sA nBook nBy hThe vCover Dfont Jmudge As Bnook Bny Thhe Cvover ront nudge w hook hy yhe dover rDont nJudge wA hBook hBy yThe dCover Dront Jnudge Aw Bhook Bhy Tyhe Cdover
cont hudge x Boook Byy 6he Coover cDont hJudge xA Bok B 6The Cver Dcont Jhudge Ax Book By T6he Cvoer sont uudge Bkok Bg ghe Ckver sDont uJudge Bkook gThe Ckover
Dsont Juudge Bokok Byg Tghe Cokver Doont B9ok Bh rhe C9ver Dnt Jdge B9ook rThe C9over Dnot Jduge Bo9ok Byh Trhe Co9ver Dknt Jhdge B0ok B6 C0ver
Dkont B0ook B6y Te C0over Doknt Juhdge Bo0ok By6 Teh Co0ver D9nt J7dge Blok Bu Tje Clver D9ont J7udge Blook Buy Tjhe Clover Do9nt Ju7dge Bolok Byu Thje Colver
D0nt Jkdge Biok B7 Tue Civer D0ont Biook B7y Tuhe Ciover Do0nt Jukdge Boiok By7 Thue Coiver Dlnt Jidge Bj Tne Covver Dlont Bjy Tnhe Coer
Dolnt Juidge Boko Byj Thne Coevr Dint J8dge Bokk Bt Tbe Cober Diont J8udge Bty Tbhe Cobver Doint Ju8dge Bookk Byt Thbe Covber Donnt Jjdge Bo9k Tge Cocer
Dot Jjudge Cocver Dotn Jujdge Boo9k Thge Covcer Domt Jydge Bo0k Tye Coger Domnt Jyudge Cogver Donmt Juydge Boo0k Thye Covger
Doht Juddge Bolk Thee Cofer Dohnt Juge Th Cofver Donht Jugde Boolk The Covfer Dojt Juxge Boik Ths Coveer Dojnt Juxdge Thse Covr
Donjt Judxge Booik Thes Covre Dobt Juege Th3 Covsr Dobnt Juedge Boo Th3e Covser

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