We're Both Thinking Of Her

You don't hear me talking to ya baby
Can't seem to get through
Are you wishing I was someone new?
You know I am your one and lonely
And things are changing fast
Got a feeling tonight could be our last
You're running in the wrong direction
I'm running out of time

Cause baby we're both thinking of her tonight
We're both thinking of her
We're both thinking of her tonight
What's she got that I ain't got - she's got you

Ain't it funny me and her we're best friend
I remember those nights
Trading things about you til she got it right
Don't want to seem a little plastic
Help me where do I start
Deep in my mind I know who's on your heart
You're running away with my best friend
I'm running out of time

Cause baby we're both thinking of her tonight
We're both thinking of her
We're both thinking of her tonight
What's she got that I ain't got - she's got you

Tell me something you know the words
What's it gonna be
Baby tell me what you don't see in me

Mirror lyrics:

Baby tell me what you don't see in me
What's it gonna be
Tell me something you know the words

What's she got that I ain't got - she's got you
We're both thinking of her tonight
We're both thinking of her
Cause baby we're both thinking of her tonight

I'm running out of time
You're running away with my best friend
Deep in my mind I know who's on your heart
Help me where do I start
Don't want to seem a little plastic
Trading things about you til she got it right
I remember those nights
Ain't it funny me and her we're best friend

What's she got that I ain't got - she's got you
We're both thinking of her tonight
We're both thinking of her
Cause baby we're both thinking of her tonight

I'm running out of time
You're running in the wrong direction
Got a feeling tonight could be our last
And things are changing fast
You know I am your one and lonely
Are you wishing I was someone new?
Can't seem to get through
You don't hear me talking to ya baby

Relevant Tags:
WWe're BBoth TThinking OOf HHer e're oth hinking f er eW're oBth hTinking fO eHr ae're voth fhinking kf jer aWe're vBoth fThinking kOf jHer
Wae're Bvoth Tfhinking Okf Hjer 3e're goth 5hinking 9f uer 3We're gBoth 5Thinking 9Of uHer W3e're Bgoth T5hinking O9f Huer de're noth hhinking 0f ner
dWe're nBoth hThinking 0Of nHer Wde're Bnoth Thhinking O0f Hner ee're hoth yhinking lf ber eWe're hBoth yThinking lOf bHer Wee're Bhoth Tyhinking Olf Hber
se're Booth 6hinking if ger sWe're Bth 6Thinking iOf gHer Wse're Btoh T6hinking Oif Hger 2e're Bkth ghinking Off yer 2We're Bkoth gThinking O yHer
W2e're Bokth Tghinking Of Hyer qe're B9th rhinking Oc Heer qWe're B9oth rThinking Ocf Hr Wqe're Bo9th Trhinking Ofc Hre B0th Or Hsr
W're B0oth Tinking Orf Hser W'ere Bo0th Tihnking Ofr Hesr Ws're Blth Tjinking Og H3r Bloth Tjhinking Ogf H3er Wes're Bolth Thjinking Ofg He3r
W3're Bith Tuinking Ot Hfr Bioth Tuhinking Otf Hfer We3're Boith Thuinking Oft Hefr Wf're Botth Tninking Ov Hrr Wfe're Boh Tnhinking Ovf Hrer
Wef're Boht Thninking Ofv Herr Wr're Bofh Tbinking Od H4r Wre're Bofth Tbhinking Odf H4er Wer're Botfh Thbinking Ofd He4r W4're Bo5h Tginking Hdr
W4e're Bo5th Hder We4're Bot5h Thginking Hedr Wd're Bohh Tyinking Hwr Bohth Hwer Wed're Bothh Thyinking Hewr
Ww're Boyh Thiinking Wwe're Boyth Thnking He Wew're Botyh Thniking Her We''re Bo6h Thjnking Hed Were Bo6th
Wer'e Bot6h Thijnking Herd We'rre Bogh Th9nking He4 We'e Bogth Th9inking We'er Botgh Thi9nking Her4 We'de Borh Thlnking Heg
We'dre Borth Thlinking Hegr We'rde Botrh Thilnking Herg We'4e Thonking Het We'4re Bot Thoinking Hetr We'r4e Both Thionking Hert
We'ge Botj Thknking He5 We'gre Botjh Thkinking He5r We'rge Bothj Thiknking Her5 We'te Botu Th8nking Hef We'tre Botuh Th8inking
We'rte Bothu Thi8nking Herf We'5e Botn Thunking Hee We'5re Botnh We'r5e Bothn Thiunking Here We'fe Botb Thinnking
We'fre Botbh Thiking We'rfe Bothb Thikning We'ee Botg Thimking

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