Sarah Geronimo
I Would Do Anything For Love (but I Won't Do That)

I would do anyhting for love
I'd run right into hell and back
I would do anything for love
I'll never lie to you and that's a fact
But I'll never forget the way you feel right now
Oh no no way

And I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
But I won't do that
No i won't do that

And Some days, it don't come easy
And Some days, it don't come hard
Some days, it don't come at all
And these are the days that never end

And some nights you're breathing fire
And some nights you're cold as ice
Some nights you're like nothing
I've ever seen before
Or will again

And maybe I'm crazy
Oh it's crazy
But It's true
I know you can save me
No one else can save me now but you

As long as the planets are turning
As long as the stars are burning
As long as your dreams are coming true
You better believe it

And I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
But I won't do that
Oh oh but i won't do that

And Some days, it don't come easy
And Some days, it don't come hard
Some days, it don't come at all
And these are the days that never end

And maybe I'm lonely
And thats all I'm qualified to be
That's just one and only
The one and only promise I can keep

As long as the wheels are turning
As long as the fires are burning
As long as the prayers are coming true
You better believe it

And I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
And i would do anything for love
But I won't do that
Oh no

I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
But I won't do that
Ooh no i won't do that

No i won't do that

Mirror lyrics:

No i won't do that

Ooh no i won't do that
But I won't do that
I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love

Oh no
But I won't do that
And i would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
And I would do anything for love

You better believe it
As long as the prayers are coming true
As long as the fires are burning
As long as the wheels are turning

The one and only promise I can keep
That's just one and only
And thats all I'm qualified to be
And maybe I'm lonely

And these are the days that never end
Some days, it don't come at all
And Some days, it don't come hard
And Some days, it don't come easy

Oh oh but i won't do that
But I won't do that
I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
And I would do anything for love

You better believe it
As long as your dreams are coming true
As long as the stars are burning
As long as the planets are turning

No one else can save me now but you
I know you can save me
But It's true
Oh it's crazy
And maybe I'm crazy

Or will again
I've ever seen before
Some nights you're like nothing
And some nights you're cold as ice
And some nights you're breathing fire

And these are the days that never end
Some days, it don't come at all
And Some days, it don't come hard
And Some days, it don't come easy

No i won't do that
But I won't do that
I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
And I would do anything for love

Oh no no way
But I'll never forget the way you feel right now
I'll never lie to you and that's a fact
I would do anything for love
I'd run right into hell and back
I would do anyhting for love

Relevant Tags:
II WWould DDo AAnything FFor LLove ((but II WWon't DDo TThat) ould o nything or ove but on't o hat)
I oWuld oD nAything oFr oLve b(ut I oWn't oD hTat) j aould xo znything cor kove (bbut j aon't xo fhat)
jI aWould xDo zAnything cFor kLove (ut jI aWon't xDo fThat) Ij Waould Dxo Aznything Fcor Lkove (ubt Ij Waon't Dxo Tfhat)
9 3ould eo qnything ror oove (vut 9 3on't eo 5hat) 9I 3Would eDo qAnything rFor oLove (vbut 9I 3Won't eDo 5That)
I9 W3ould Deo Aqnything Fror Loove (bvut I9 W3on't Deo T5hat) l dould fo snything gor pove (gut l don't fo hhat)
lI dWould fDo sAnything gFor pLove (gbut lI dWon't fDo hThat) Il Wdould Dfo Asnything Fgor Lpove (bgut Il Wdon't Dfo Thhat)
o eould ro wnything tor (nut o eon't ro yhat) oI eWould rDo wAnything tFor Lve (nbut oI eWon't rDo yThat)
Io Weould Dro Awnything Ftor Lvoe (bnut Io Weon't Dro Tyhat) k sould co xnything vor Lkve (hut k son't co 6hat)
kI sWould cDo xAnything vFor (hbut kI sWon't cDo 6That) Ik Wsould Dco Axnything Fvor Lokve (bhut Ik Wson't Dco T6hat)
8 2ould so Annything dor L9ve (buut 8 2on't so ghat) 8I 2Would sDo Aything dFor L9ove (bt 8I 2Won't sDo gThat)
I8 W2ould Dso Aynthing Fdor Lo9ve (btu I8 W2on't Dso Tghat) u qould Doo Amything Foor L0ve (bht u qon't Doo rhat)
uI qWould D Amnything Fr L0ove uI qWon't D rThat) Iu Wqould Do Anmything Fro Lo0ve (buht Iu Wqon't Do Trhat)
Woould Dk Ahything Fkr Llve (b7t Woon't Dk Wuld Dko Ahnything Fkor Llove (b7ut Wn't Dko Tat)
Wuold Dok Anhything Fokr Lolve (bu7t Wno't Dok Taht) Wkuld D9 Ajything F9r Live (bkt Wkn't D9 Tjat)
Wkould D9o Ajnything F9or Liove (bkut Wkon't D9o Tjhat) Wokuld Do9 Anjything Fo9r Loive (bukt Wokn't Do9 Thjat)
W9uld D0 Abything F0r Lovve (bit W9n't D0 Tuat) W9ould D0o Abnything F0or Loe (biut W9on't D0o Tuhat)
Wo9uld Do0 Anbything Fo0r Loev (buit Wo9n't Do0 Thuat) W0uld Dl Anyything Flr Lobe (b8t W0n't Dl Tnat)
W0ould Dlo Anthing Flor Lobve (b8ut W0on't Dlo Tnhat) Wo0uld Dol Antyhing Folr Lovbe (bu8t Wo0n't Dol Thnat)
Wluld Di Angthing Fir Loce (bjt Wln't Di Tbat) Wlould Dio Angything Fior Locve (bjut Wlon't Dio Tbhat)
Woluld Doi Anygthing Foir Lovce (bujt Woln't Doi Thbat) Wiuld Anhthing Forr Loge (byt Win't Tgat)
Wiould Fo Logve (byut Wion't Woiuld Anyhthing For Lovge (buyt Woin't Thgat)
Wouuld An6thing Fod Lofe (butt Wonn't Tyat) Wold An6ything Fodr Lofve (bu Wo't
Wolud Any6thing Ford Lovfe (but Wo'nt Thyat) Wohld Anuthing Fo4 Lovee (buf Wom't Thaat)
Wohuld Anuything Fo4r Lov (buft Womn't Tht) Wouhld Anyuthing For4 Love (butf Wonm't Thta)
Wo7ld An7thing Fog Lovs (bu5 Woh't Thzt) Wo7uld An7ything Fogr Lovse (bu5t Wohn't Thzat)
Wou7ld Any7thing Forg Loves (but5 Wonh't Thazt) Wokld Anjthing Fot Lov3 (buh Woj't Thqt)
Fotr Lov3e Wojn't Thqat) Woukld Anyjthing Fort Love3 (buth Wonj't Thaqt)
Woild Antthing Fo5 Lovf (buy Wob't Thst) Antything Fo5r Wobn't Thsat)
Wouild Anytthing For5 Lovef (buty Wonb't Thast) Wo8ld Fof Lovr (bu6 Won''t Thwt)
Wo8uld Anyhing Fofr Lovre (bu6t Wont Thwat) Wou8ld Anyhting Forf Lover (but6 Wont' Thawt)

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