Sarah Connor
Tonight's The Night

part 1
Love and joy is coming
Children now come running
Bells are ringing all around the world
Christmas trees are glittering
Loud and clear my heart will sing
Glory, glory, Praise the lord
Tonight's the night

part 2
Day of peace are coming
When we look out for something
Bigger than our little hopes and fears
All on earth are equal
No one has the right to kill
Love will conquer hate at least
Tonight's the night

When do we learn everything
We give we will get in return
When do we see what I do to you
You'll be doin' to me
Please take your time
Try to face the facts open up your mind
And maybe then we can change the world,
Don't you understand

part 3
Love and joy is coming
Children now come running
Bells are ringing all around the world
Christmas trees are glittering
Loud and clear my heart will sing
Glory, glory, praise the lord
Tonight's the night
Love will conquer hate at last
Tonight's the night

Mirror lyrics:

Tonight's the night
Love will conquer hate at last
Tonight's the night
Glory, glory, praise the lord
Loud and clear my heart will sing
Christmas trees are glittering
Bells are ringing all around the world
Children now come running
Love and joy is coming
part 3

Don't you understand
And maybe then we can change the world,
Try to face the facts open up your mind
Please take your time
You'll be doin' to me
When do we see what I do to you
We give we will get in return
When do we learn everything

Tonight's the night
Love will conquer hate at least
No one has the right to kill
All on earth are equal
Bigger than our little hopes and fears
When we look out for something
Day of peace are coming
part 2

Tonight's the night
Glory, glory, Praise the lord
Loud and clear my heart will sing
Christmas trees are glittering
Bells are ringing all around the world
Children now come running
Love and joy is coming
part 1

Relevant Tags:
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5onight's 5he hight 5Tonight's 5The hNight T5onight's T5he Nhight honight's hhe jight hTonight's hThe jNight Thonight's Thhe Njight
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T9night's Tue Nkght T9onight's Tuhe Nkight To9night's Thue Nikght T0night's Tne N8ght T0onight's Tnhe N8ight To0night's Thne Ni8ght
Tlnight's Tbe Nught Tlonight's Tbhe Nuight Tolnight's Thbe Niught Tinight's Tge Nigght Tionight's Niht Toinight's Thge Nihgt
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Tobight's Thf Nifht Tobnight's Thfe Nifght Tonbight's Thef Nigfht Toniight's Thr Nitht Tonght's Thre Nitght Tongiht's Ther Nigtht
Tonjght's Th4 Th4e Nigt Tonijght's The4 Nigth Ton9ght's Thd Nigjt Ton9ight's Thde Nigjht Toni9ght's Thed Nighjt
Tonlght's Thw Nigut Tonlight's Thwe Niguht Tonilght's Thew Nighut Tonoght's Nignt Tonoight's Nignht Tonioght's Nighnt
Tonkght's Nigbt Tonkight's Tonikght's Nighbt Ton8ght's Niggt Ton8ight's Toni8ght's Nighgt
Tonught's Nigyt Tonuight's Toniught's Nighyt Tonigght's Nightt

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