Sarah Connor
One More Night (part 2 Of The Oslo Suite)

One touch that was all it took
And I was hypnotized
One look that was just enough
To loose myself inside of you

I wish I could stop the time
To love you day and night
That one night was just too short
I wanna do it one more time

I know you're with someone else
I knew it was a one night stand
But never the less
Without the stress
Let's do it once again

I wish I could turn back the time
Lay your body next to mine
Love you for the second time
One more night with you
I wish I could just stop the time
Play the button, press rewind
Love you for the second time
One more night

It's just like we've met before
It feels like déja vu
I'm longing real bad for you
I'll pay the price to be your fool

And sell my soul for what you like
And trade it in for one more night
Because one night is way too short
I want some more
And that's for sure

I know you're with someone else
I know that it was a one night stand
But never the less
Without the stress
Let's do it once again

I wish I could turn back the time
Lay your body next to mine
Love you for the second time
One more night with you
I wish I could just stop the time
Play the button, press rewind
Love you for the second time
One more night

One touch
One night
That special part of mine
One love is alright
One more night

I wish I could turn back the time
Lay your body next to mine
Love you for the second time
One more night with you
I wish I could just stop the time
Play the button, press rewind
Love you for the second time
One more night

Mirror lyrics:

One more night
Love you for the second time
Play the button, press rewind
I wish I could just stop the time
One more night with you
Love you for the second time
Lay your body next to mine
I wish I could turn back the time

One more night
One love is alright
That special part of mine
One night
One touch

One more night
Love you for the second time
Play the button, press rewind
I wish I could just stop the time
One more night with you
Love you for the second time
Lay your body next to mine
I wish I could turn back the time

Let's do it once again
Without the stress
But never the less
I know that it was a one night stand
I know you're with someone else

And that's for sure
I want some more
Because one night is way too short
And trade it in for one more night
And sell my soul for what you like

I'll pay the price to be your fool
I'm longing real bad for you
It feels like déja vu
It's just like we've met before

One more night
Love you for the second time
Play the button, press rewind
I wish I could just stop the time
One more night with you
Love you for the second time
Lay your body next to mine
I wish I could turn back the time

Let's do it once again
Without the stress
But never the less
I knew it was a one night stand
I know you're with someone else

I wanna do it one more time
That one night was just too short
To love you day and night
I wish I could stop the time

To loose myself inside of you
One look that was just enough
And I was hypnotized
One touch that was all it took

Relevant Tags:
OOne MMore NNight ((part 22 OOf TThe OOslo SSuite) ne ore ight part f he slo uite) nOe oMre iNght p(art 2 fO hTe sOlo uSite)
kne jore might (ppart 3 kf fhe kslo zuite) kOne jMore mNight (art 32 kOf fThe kOslo zSuite) Okne Mjore Nmight (aprt 23 Okf Tfhe Okslo Szuite)
9ne kore hight (0art q 9f 5he 9slo wuite) 9One kMore hNight (0part q2 9Of 5The 9Oslo wSuite) O9ne Mkore Nhight (p0art 2q O9f T5he O9slo Swuite)
0ne nore jight (lart w 0f hhe 0slo duite) 0One nMore jNight (lpart w2 0Of hThe 0Oslo dSuite) O0ne Mnore Njight (plart 2w O0f Thhe O0slo Sduite)
lne Moore bight (oart 1 lf yhe lslo euite) lOne Mre bNight (opart 12 lOf yThe lOslo eSuite) Olne Mroe Nbight (poart 21 Olf Tyhe Olslo Seuite)
ine Mkre Niight (paart if 6he islo xuite) iOne Nght (prt iOf 6The iOslo xSuite) Oine Mokre Ngiht (prat Oif T6he Oislo Sxuite)
Onne M9re Njght (pzrt Off ghe Osslo auite) Oe M9ore (pzart O gThe Olo aSuite) Oen Mo9re Nijght (pazrt Of Tghe Olso Sauite)
Ome M0re N9ght (pqrt Oc rhe Ozlo Suuite) Omne M0ore N9ight (pqart Ocf rThe Ozslo Site) Onme Mo0re Ni9ght (paqrt Ofc Trhe Oszlo Siute)
Ohe Mlre Nlght (psrt Or Owlo Shite) Ohne Mlore Nlight (psart Orf Te Owslo Shuite) Onhe Molre Nilght (pasrt Ofr Teh Oswlo Suhite)
Oje Mire Noght (pwrt Og Tje Odlo S7ite) Ojne Miore Noight (pwart Ogf Tjhe Odslo S7uite) Onje Moire Nioght (pawrt Ofg Thje Osdlo Su7ite)
Obe Morre Nkght (pxrt Ot Tue Oelo Skite) Obne Moe Nkight (pxart Otf Tuhe Oeslo Skuite) Onbe Moer Nikght (paxrt Oft Thue Oselo Sukite)
Onee Mode N8ght (parrt Ov Tne Oxlo Siite) On Modre N8ight (pat Ovf Tnhe Oxslo Siuite) One Morde Ni8ght (patr Ofv Thne Osxlo Suiite)
Ons Mo4e Nught (padt Od Tbe Oalo S8ite) Onse Mo4re Nuight (padrt Odf Tbhe Oaslo S8uite) Ones Mor4e Niught (pardt Ofd Thbe Osalo Su8ite)
On3 Moge Nigght (pa4t Tge Osllo Sjite) On3e Mogre Niht (pa4rt Oso Sjuite) One3 Morge Nihgt (par4t Thge Osol Sujite)
Onf Mote Nihht (pagt Tye Osko Syite) Onfe Motre Nihght (pagrt Osklo Syuite) Onef Morte Nighht (pargt Thye Oslko Suyite)
Onr Mo5e Niyht (patt Thee Osoo Onre Mo5re Niyght (patrt Th Osolo Sute) Oner Mor5e Nigyht (partt The Osloo Sutie)
On4 Mofe Nibht (pa5t Ths Ospo Sujte) On4e Mofre Nibght (pa5rt Thse Osplo One4 Morfe Nigbht (par5t Thes Oslpo Suijte)
Ond Moee Nivht (paft Th3 Su9te) Onde Moere Nivght (pafrt Th3e Osl Su9ite) Oned Moree Nigvht (parft The3 Oslo Sui9te)
Onw Nifht (paet Thf Oslk Sulte) Onwe Mor Nifght (paert Thfe Sulite) Onew More Nigfht (paret Thef Oslok Suilte)

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