Sarah Mclachlan
Drawn To The Rhythm (live)

When we wore a heart of stone
We wandered to the sea
Hoping to find some comfort there
Yearning to feel free
And we were mesmerized by the northern lights
And the smells that filled the air
And we laid us down on sandy ground
It was cold but we didn't care

We were drawn to the rhythm
Drawn into the rhythm of the sea
Yes, we were drawn to the rhythm
Drawn into the rhythm of the sea

We fell asleep and began to dream
When something woke the night
Memories stirred inside of us
The struggle and the fight
And we could feel the heat of a thousand voices
Telling us which way to go
And we cried out is there no escape
From words that play these songs?

And we were drawn to the rhythm
Drawn into the rhythm of the sea
Yes, we were drawn to the rhythm
Drawn into the rhythm of the sea

In the still and the silent dawn
Another day is born
Washed up by the tireless waves
Body bent and torn
In the face of a blinding sun
Awake only to find
That heaven is a stranger place
Than the one I'd left behind

We were drawn to the rhythm
Drawn into the rhythm of the sea
We were drawn to the rhythm
Drawn into the rhythm of the sea
Yes, we were drawn to the rhythm,
Into the rhythm, drawn into the rhythm of the sea
Yes, we were drawn to the rhythm,
Into the rhythm, drawn into the rhythm of the sea

Mirror lyrics:

Into the rhythm, drawn into the rhythm of the sea
Yes, we were drawn to the rhythm,
Into the rhythm, drawn into the rhythm of the sea
Yes, we were drawn to the rhythm,
Drawn into the rhythm of the sea
We were drawn to the rhythm
Drawn into the rhythm of the sea
We were drawn to the rhythm

Than the one I'd left behind
That heaven is a stranger place
Awake only to find
In the face of a blinding sun
Body bent and torn
Washed up by the tireless waves
Another day is born
In the still and the silent dawn

Drawn into the rhythm of the sea
Yes, we were drawn to the rhythm
Drawn into the rhythm of the sea
And we were drawn to the rhythm

From words that play these songs?
And we cried out is there no escape
Telling us which way to go
And we could feel the heat of a thousand voices
The struggle and the fight
Memories stirred inside of us
When something woke the night
We fell asleep and began to dream

Drawn into the rhythm of the sea
Yes, we were drawn to the rhythm
Drawn into the rhythm of the sea
We were drawn to the rhythm

It was cold but we didn't care
And we laid us down on sandy ground
And the smells that filled the air
And we were mesmerized by the northern lights
Yearning to feel free
Hoping to find some comfort there
We wandered to the sea
When we wore a heart of stone

Relevant Tags:
DDrawn TTo TThe RRhythm ((live) rawn o he hythm live) rDawn oT hTe hRythm l(ive) xrawn fo fhe dhythm (llive) xDrawn fTo fThe dRhythm (ive)
Dxrawn Tfo Tfhe Rdhythm (ilve) erawn 5o 5he 4hythm (kive) eDrawn 5To 5The 4Rhythm (klive) Derawn T5o T5he R4hythm (lkive) frawn ho hhe ghythm (oive)
fDrawn hTo hThe gRhythm (olive) Dfrawn Tho Thhe Rghythm (loive) rrawn yo yhe thythm (pive) rDrawn yTo yThe tRhythm (plive) Drrawn Tyo Tyhe Rthythm (lpive)
crawn 6o 6he 5hythm (liive) cDrawn 6To 6The 5Rhythm (lve) Dcrawn T6o T6he R5hythm (lvie) srawn go ghe fhythm (ljve) sDrawn gTo gThe fRhythm (ljive)
Dsrawn Tgo Tghe Rfhythm (lijve) ro rhe ehythm (l9ve) Dawn rTo rThe eRhythm (l9ive) Darwn Tro Trhe Rehythm (li9ve) Ddawn Too Rhhythm (llve)
Ddrawn T Te Rythm Drdawn To Teh Ryhthm (lilve) D4awn Tk Tje Rjythm (love) D4rawn Tko Tjhe Rjhythm Dr4awn Tok Thje Rhjythm (liove)
Dgawn T9 Tue Ruythm (lkve) Dgrawn T9o Tuhe Ruhythm Drgawn To9 Thue Rhuythm (likve) Dtawn T0 Tne Rnythm (l8ve) Dtrawn T0o Tnhe Rnhythm (l8ive)
Drtawn To0 Thne Rhnythm (li8ve) D5awn Tl Tbe Rbythm (luve) D5rawn Tlo Tbhe Rbhythm (luive) Dr5awn Tol Thbe Rhbythm (liuve) Dfawn Ti Tge Rgythm (livve)
Tio (lie) Drfawn Toi Thge Rhgythm (liev) Deawn Tye Ryythm (libe) Ryhythm (libve) Dreawn Thye Rhyythm (livbe)
Draawn Thee (lice) Drwn Th Rhthm (licve) Drwan The Rhtyhm (livce) Drzwn Ths Rhgthm (lige) Drzawn Thse (ligve)
Drazwn Thes Rhygthm (livge) Drqwn Th3 Rhhthm (life) Drqawn Th3e (lifve) Draqwn The3 Rhyhthm (livfe) Drswn Thf Rh6thm (livee)

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