The Memory Of This History

The memory of this history has alzheimer's.
Your mind sure could use some anti-perspirant.
You're the Monsanto of my heart, the last grain in my blood.
They hold us down then tell us that it's gravity
They use words like "natural," naturally.
The dark corners are hard to find in a city this big,
So we're going to hide in the center of attention.
You make me dream so heavily and when they drop,
Everybody hears echoes in their heads for years,
No one's sure where the weight came from,
Certainly not from distortion... extortion.
Basque in the sun like a separatist,
Our generation burned as it tanned.
To be at the whim of the elements again,
This generation said as it laughed.
To be at the whim of the elements agains,
This generation said.
They hold us down the tell us that it's gravity...

Mirror lyrics:

They hold us down the tell us that it's gravity...
This generation said.
To be at the whim of the elements agains,
This generation said as it laughed.
To be at the whim of the elements again,
Our generation burned as it tanned.
Basque in the sun like a separatist,
Certainly not from distortion... extortion.
No one's sure where the weight came from,
Everybody hears echoes in their heads for years,
You make me dream so heavily and when they drop,
So we're going to hide in the center of attention.
The dark corners are hard to find in a city this big,
They use words like "natural," naturally.
They hold us down then tell us that it's gravity
You're the Monsanto of my heart, the last grain in my blood.
Your mind sure could use some anti-perspirant.
The memory of this history has alzheimer's.

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMemory OOf TThis HHistory he emory f his istory hTe eMmory fO hTis iHstory fhe jemory kf fhis jistory fThe jMemory kOf fThis jHistory
Tfhe Mjemory Okf Tfhis Hjistory 5he kemory 9f 5his uistory 5The kMemory 9Of 5This uHistory T5he Mkemory O9f T5his Huistory hhe nemory 0f hhis nistory
hThe nMemory 0Of hThis nHistory Thhe Mnemory O0f Thhis Hnistory yhe Meemory lf yhis bistory yThe Mmory lOf yThis bHistory Tyhe Mmeory Olf Tyhis Hbistory
6he Msmory if 6his gistory 6The Msemory iOf 6This gHistory T6he Mesmory Oif T6his Hgistory ghe M3mory Off ghis yistory gThe M3emory O gThis yHistory
Tghe Me3mory Of Tghis Hyistory rhe Mfmory Oc rhis Hiistory rThe Mfemory Ocf rThis Hstory Trhe Mefmory Ofc Trhis Hsitory Mrmory Or Hjstory
Te Mremory Orf Tis Teh Mermory Ofr Tihs Hijstory Tje M4mory Og Tjis H9story Tjhe M4emory Ogf Tjhis H9istory Thje Me4mory Ofg Thjis Hi9story
Tue Mdmory Ot Tuis Hlstory Tuhe Mdemory Otf Tuhis Hlistory Thue Medmory Oft Thuis Hilstory Tne Mwmory Ov Tnis Hostory Tnhe Mwemory Ovf Tnhis Hoistory
Thne Mewmory Ofv Thnis Hiostory Tbe Memmory Od Tbis Hkstory Tbhe Meory Odf Tbhis Hkistory Thbe Meomry Ofd Thbis Hikstory Tge Mejory Tgis H8story
Mejmory H8istory Thge Memjory Thgis Hi8story Tye Mekory Tyis Hustory Mekmory Thye Memkory Thyis Hiustory
Thee Menory Thiis Hisstory Th Menmory Ths Hitory The Memnory Thsi Hitsory Ths Memoory Thjs Hiztory Thse Memry Hizstory
Thes Memroy Thijs Hisztory Th3 Memkry Th9s Hiwtory Th3e Th9is Hiwstory The3 Memokry Thi9s Hiswtory Thf Mem9ry Thls Hidtory
Thfe Mem9ory Thlis Hidstory Thef Memo9ry Thils Hisdtory Thr Mem0ry Thos Hietory Thre Mem0ory Thois Hiestory Ther Memo0ry Thios Hisetory
Th4 Memlry Thks Hixtory Th4e Memlory Thkis Hixstory The4 Memolry Thiks Hisxtory Thd Memiry Th8s Hiatory Thde Memiory Th8is Hiastory
Thed Memoiry Thi8s Hisatory Thw Memorry Thus Histtory Thwe Memoy Hisory Thew Memoyr Thius Hisotry Memody Thiss Hisfory
Memodry Thi Hisftory Memordy This Histfory Memo4y Thiz His5ory Memo4ry Thizs His5tory Memor4y Thisz Hist5ory
Memogy Thiw Hishory

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