Desert Sessions
Monster In The Parasol

The walls are closing in again, oh well
The walls are closing in again, oh well
I seen some things I thought I never saw
Covered in hair (hair)

Paulâ's dad is warped and bubbling, oh well
Paul's dad is warped and bubbling, oh well
And my mind is up here on another wave
Covered in hair (hair)

She won't grow

You've got a monster (distress) in your parasol (why, yes)
You've got a monster (divorce) in your parasol (of course)
You've got a monster (displeasure) in your parasol (my treasure)
You've got a monster (your pain) in your parasol (drives me insane)

Paul's sister is an alien, oh well
Paul's sister is an alien, oh well
I seen some things I thought I never saw
Covered in hair (hair)

She won't grow

You've got a monster (distress) in your parasol (why, yes)
You've got a monster (divorce) in your parasol (of course)
You've got a monster (displeasure) in your parasol (my treasure)
You've got a hole (your pain) in you I never saw (drives me insane)
In your parasol, in your parasol (insane)

(Drives me insane)

I'll cut your pretty face

Mirror lyrics:

I'll cut your pretty face

(Drives me insane)

In your parasol, in your parasol (insane)
You've got a hole (your pain) in you I never saw (drives me insane)
You've got a monster (displeasure) in your parasol (my treasure)
You've got a monster (divorce) in your parasol (of course)
You've got a monster (distress) in your parasol (why, yes)

She won't grow

Covered in hair (hair)
I seen some things I thought I never saw
Paul's sister is an alien, oh well
Paul's sister is an alien, oh well

You've got a monster (your pain) in your parasol (drives me insane)
You've got a monster (displeasure) in your parasol (my treasure)
You've got a monster (divorce) in your parasol (of course)
You've got a monster (distress) in your parasol (why, yes)

She won't grow

Covered in hair (hair)
And my mind is up here on another wave
Paul's dad is warped and bubbling, oh well
Paulâ's dad is warped and bubbling, oh well

Covered in hair (hair)
I seen some things I thought I never saw
The walls are closing in again, oh well
The walls are closing in again, oh well

Relevant Tags:
MMonster IIn TThe PParasol onster n he arasol oMnster nI hTe aPrasol jonster jn fhe 0arasol jMonster jIn fThe 0Parasol Mjonster Ijn Tfhe P0arasol
konster 9n 5he larasol kMonster 9In 5The lParasol Mkonster I9n T5he Plarasol nonster ln hhe oarasol nMonster lIn hThe oParasol Mnonster Iln Thhe Poarasol
Moonster on yhe Paarasol Mnster oIn yThe Prasol Mnoster Ion Tyhe Praasol Mknster kn 6he Pzrasol kIn 6The Pzarasol Moknster Ikn T6he Pazrasol
M9nster 8n ghe Pqrasol M9onster 8In gThe Pqarasol Mo9nster I8n Tghe Paqrasol M0nster un rhe Psrasol M0onster uIn rThe Psarasol Mo0nster Iun Trhe Pasrasol
Mlnster Inn Pwrasol Mlonster I Te Pwarasol Molnster In Teh Pawrasol Minster Im Tje Pxrasol Mionster Imn Tjhe Pxarasol Moinster Inm Thje Paxrasol
Monnster Ih Tue Parrasol Moster Ihn Tuhe Paasol Mosnter Inh Thue Paarsol Momster Ij Tne Padasol Momnster Tnhe Padrasol Monmster Inj Thne Pardasol
Mohster Ib Tbe Pa4asol Mohnster Ibn Tbhe Pa4rasol Monhster Inb Thbe Par4asol Mojster Tge Pagasol Mojnster Pagrasol Monjster Thge Pargasol
Mobster Tye Patasol Mobnster Patrasol Monbster Thye Partasol Monsster Thee Pa5asol Monter Th Pa5rasol Montser The Par5asol
Monzter Ths Pafasol Monzster Thse Pafrasol Monszter Thes Parfasol Monwter Th3 Paeasol Monwster Th3e Paerasol Monswter The3 Pareasol
Mondter Thf Paraasol Mondster Thfe Parsol Monsdter Thef Parsaol Moneter Thr Parzsol Monester Thre Parzasol Monseter Ther Parazsol
Monxter Th4 Parqsol Monxster Th4e Parqasol Monsxter The4 Paraqsol Monater Thd Parssol Monaster Thde Parsasol

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