Revival Of April

Tasting your lips with every kiss.
Smelling your scent on your neck. Holding you in my
arms. Every moment with you is written upon the tablet
of my heart. Washing to live
this life again and forever.
All memories are eternally burning pictures within my
soul. Every day I'm still beside you.
Living in memories. Dreaming my life away. Thrust
our hearts. You and me together against the world.
Losing myself on you. Losing you.
Losing so much more than just a part of me.
Memorable beauty gives birth to my pain.
My world is broken. Life is gone.

Mirror lyrics:

My world is broken. Life is gone.
Memorable beauty gives birth to my pain.
Losing so much more than just a part of me.
Losing myself on you. Losing you.
our hearts. You and me together against the world.
Living in memories. Dreaming my life away. Thrust
soul. Every day I'm still beside you.
All memories are eternally burning pictures within my
this life again and forever.
of my heart. Washing to live
arms. Every moment with you is written upon the tablet
Smelling your scent on your neck. Holding you in my
Tasting your lips with every kiss.

Relevant Tags:
RRevival OOf AApril evival f pril eRvival fO pAril devival kf zpril dRevival kOf zApril Rdevival Okf Azpril 4evival 9f qpril
4Revival 9Of qApril R4evival O9f Aqpril gevival 0f spril gRevival 0Of sApril Rgevival O0f Aspril tevival lf wpril tRevival lOf wApril
Rtevival Olf Awpril 5evival if xpril 5Revival iOf xApril R5evival Oif Axpril fevival Off Appril fRevival O Aril Rfevival Of Arpil
eevival Oc A0ril eRevival Ocf A0pril Reevival Ofc Ap0ril Or Alril Rvival Orf Alpril Rveival Ofr Aplril Rsvival Og Aoril
Rsevival Ogf Aopril Resvival Ofg Aporil R3vival Ot Aprril R3evival Otf Apil Re3vival Oft Apirl Rfvival Ov Apdil Ovf Apdril
Refvival Ofv Aprdil Rrvival Od Ap4il Rrevival Odf Ap4ril Rervival Ofd Apr4il R4vival Apgil Apgril Re4vival Aprgil
Rdvival Aptil Aptril Redvival Aprtil Rwvival Ap5il Rwevival Ap5ril Rewvival Apr5il Revvival Apfil
Reival Apfril Reivval Aprfil Rebival Apeil Rebvival Aperil Revbival Apreil Recival Apriil Recvival Aprl
Revcival Aprli Regival Aprjl Regvival Aprjil Revgival Aprijl Refival Apr9l Apr9il Revfival Apri9l
Reviival Aprll

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