Farewell To The Flesh

Guess this star was meant to be
as it was my call
But what really bothers me
it seem so small

Is that the reason why
it's done with charm?
Then all this is a lie
to cause me harm
But when it comes to pain
I let it drain
And with my blood I spell
farewell to the flesh

That's another return, another loss
All the feelings I burn, and all that was

Farewell to the flesh-tearing it up at daytime
And farewell to the rest-burning it down at night

That's another return another loss
All the feelings I burn, and all that was

As I am embraced by the universe
I think of things I could do reverse

Is this the final end
of all that was?
I cannot comprehend
The size of my loss

Farewell to the flesh- tearing it up at daytime
And farewell to the rest- burning it down at night

That's another return, another loss
All the feelings I burn, and all that was

Mirror lyrics:

All the feelings I burn, and all that was
That's another return, another loss

And farewell to the rest- burning it down at night
Farewell to the flesh- tearing it up at daytime

The size of my loss
I cannot comprehend
of all that was?
Is this the final end

I think of things I could do reverse
As I am embraced by the universe

All the feelings I burn, and all that was
That's another return another loss

And farewell to the rest-burning it down at night
Farewell to the flesh-tearing it up at daytime

All the feelings I burn, and all that was
That's another return, another loss

farewell to the flesh
And with my blood I spell
I let it drain
But when it comes to pain
to cause me harm
Then all this is a lie
it's done with charm?
Is that the reason why

it seem so small
But what really bothers me
as it was my call
Guess this star was meant to be

Relevant Tags:
FFarewell TTo TThe FFlesh arewell o he lesh aFrewell oT hTe lFesh carewell fo fhe clesh cFarewell fTo fThe cFlesh Fcarewell Tfo Tfhe Fclesh
rarewell 5o 5he rlesh rFarewell 5To 5The rFlesh Frarewell T5o T5he Frlesh garewell ho hhe glesh gFarewell hTo hThe gFlesh Fgarewell Tho Thhe Fglesh
tarewell yo yhe tlesh tFarewell yTo yThe tFlesh Ftarewell Tyo Tyhe Ftlesh varewell 6o 6he vlesh vFarewell 6To 6The vFlesh Fvarewell T6o T6he Fvlesh
darewell go ghe dlesh dFarewell gTo gThe dFlesh Fdarewell Tgo Tghe Fdlesh Faarewell ro rhe Fllesh Frewell rTo rThe Fesh Fraewell Tro Trhe Felsh
Fzrewell Too Fkesh Fzarewell T Te Fklesh Fazrewell To Teh Flkesh Fqrewell Tk Tje Foesh Fqarewell Tko Tjhe Folesh Faqrewell Tok Thje Floesh
Fsrewell T9 Tue Fpesh Fsarewell T9o Tuhe Fplesh Fasrewell To9 Thue Flpesh Fwrewell T0 Tne Fleesh Fwarewell T0o Tnhe Flsh Fawrewell To0 Thne Flseh
Fxrewell Tl Tbe Flssh Fxarewell Tlo Tbhe Flsesh Faxrewell Tol Thbe Flessh Farrewell Ti Tge Fl3sh Faewell Tio Fl3esh Faerwell Toi Thge Fle3sh
Fadewell Tye Flfsh Fadrewell Flfesh Fardewell Thye Flefsh Fa4ewell Thee Flrsh Fa4rewell Th Flresh Far4ewell The Flersh
Fagewell Ths Fl4sh Fagrewell Thse Fl4esh Fargewell Thes Fle4sh Fatewell Th3 Fldsh Fatrewell Th3e Fldesh Fartewell The3 Fledsh
Fa5ewell Thf Flwsh Fa5rewell Thfe Flwesh Far5ewell Thef Flewsh Fafewell Thr Fafrewell Thre Fleh Farfewell Ther Flehs
Faeewell Th4 Flezh Faerewell Th4e Flezsh Fareewell The4 Fleszh Thd Flewh Farwell Thde Farweell Thed Fleswh
Farswell Thw Fledh Farsewell Thwe Fareswell Thew Flesdh

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