Def Leppard
Billy's Got A Gun

Billy's got a gun, he's on the run
Confusion in his mind, the blind leads the blind
Oh, billy's got a gun, he's gonna shoot ya down
He's got evil in his eyes, got a reason to despise
There's danger in the air

Can you feel it in the air
There's danger in the air, danger
Such a strange emotion
Can you feel it in the air

Oh he was locked inside a room without a door
His innocence he suffered for
In a world of black and white, they were wrong and he was right
Just looking for a clue, it's a nightmare come true
He's going underground to track that danger down
Oh billy, hey why you got that gun?

Can you feel it in the air
There's danger in the air, danger
Such a strange emotion
Can you feel it in the air
Oh billy

Never give him an even break
Gettin' caught is the chance you take
It could be your last mistake
You could be so helpless
As a bird with a broken wing
Like a sheep in a lion's den
Gonna fall but you won't know when
He's gonna get you

You hear footsteps in the night, see shadows on the wall
And the ghostly sound of silence, as the mist begins to fall
Then a scream rang out like thunder, but the lightning was too late
As the rain came down on the crimson ground
It was the hand of fate
And a crowd of people gathered round, but billy couldn't wait

Can you feel it in the air
There's danger in the air, danger
Such a strange emotion
Can you feel it in the air?
Yeah, billy's on the run

Oh, you better run
Never gave him an even break, better run
Gettin' caught is the chance you take, you better run
It could be your last mistake
Yeah billy's got a gun
As a bird with a broken wing, oh billy
Like a sheep in a lion's den, oh billy
Gonna fall but you won't know when, yeah billy's out
He's gonna get you

Bang bang

Mirror lyrics:

Bang bang

He's gonna get you
Gonna fall but you won't know when, yeah billy's out
Like a sheep in a lion's den, oh billy
As a bird with a broken wing, oh billy
Yeah billy's got a gun
It could be your last mistake
Gettin' caught is the chance you take, you better run
Never gave him an even break, better run
Oh, you better run

Yeah, billy's on the run
Can you feel it in the air?
Such a strange emotion
There's danger in the air, danger
Can you feel it in the air

And a crowd of people gathered round, but billy couldn't wait
It was the hand of fate
As the rain came down on the crimson ground
Then a scream rang out like thunder, but the lightning was too late
And the ghostly sound of silence, as the mist begins to fall
You hear footsteps in the night, see shadows on the wall

He's gonna get you
Gonna fall but you won't know when
Like a sheep in a lion's den
As a bird with a broken wing
You could be so helpless
It could be your last mistake
Gettin' caught is the chance you take
Never give him an even break

Oh billy
Can you feel it in the air
Such a strange emotion
There's danger in the air, danger
Can you feel it in the air

Oh billy, hey why you got that gun?
He's going underground to track that danger down
Just looking for a clue, it's a nightmare come true
In a world of black and white, they were wrong and he was right
His innocence he suffered for
Oh he was locked inside a room without a door

Can you feel it in the air
Such a strange emotion
There's danger in the air, danger
Can you feel it in the air

There's danger in the air
He's got evil in his eyes, got a reason to despise
Oh, billy's got a gun, he's gonna shoot ya down
Confusion in his mind, the blind leads the blind
Billy's got a gun, he's on the run

Relevant Tags:
BBilly's GGot AA GGun illy's ot un iBlly's oGt A uGn villy's hot z hun vBilly's hGot zA hGun Bvilly's Ghot Az Ghun
gilly's yot q yun gBilly's yGot qA yGun Bgilly's Gyot Aq Gyun nilly's bot s bun nBilly's bGot sA bGun Bnilly's Gbot As Gbun
hilly's vot w vun hBilly's vGot wA vGun Bhilly's Gvot Aw Gvun Biilly's fot x fun Blly's fGot xA fGun Blily's Gfot Ax Gfun
Bjlly's tot tun Bjilly's tGot tGun Bijlly's Gtot Gtun B9lly's Goot Guun B9illy's Gt Gn Bi9lly's Gto Gnu
Bllly's Gkt Ghn Blilly's Gkot Billly's Gokt Guhn Bolly's G9t G7n Boilly's G9ot G7un Biolly's Go9t Gu7n
Bklly's G0t Gkn Bkilly's G0ot Gkun Biklly's Go0t Gukn B8lly's Glt Gin B8illy's Glot Giun Bi8lly's Golt Guin
Bully's Git G8n Builly's Giot G8un Biully's Goit Gu8n Gott Gjn Bily's Go Gjun Billy's Got Gujn
Bikly's Gof Gyn Goft Bilkly's Gotf Guyn Bioly's Go5 Gunn Go5t Gu Biloly's Got5 Gun
Biply's Goh Gum Biplly's Goht Gumn Bilply's Goth Gunm

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