Supposed To Be

I'm not afraid to show emotion
It's what I need to get me through
And I would swim across the ocean
A thousand miles to get to you

Maybe I'm crazy but I
Feel for once in my life
Like the stars in the sky have all aligned
I never will deny that
You and I

We will live forever
Love each other
Die together
How could we deny what feels so right
We will live forever
Love each other
Kill each other
Isn't that the way that life's supposed to be
Supposed to be

I used to think that my obsession
Was just a phase that I'd go through
Now I know without a question
You're the one I always knew
I know it's crazy but I
Feel for once in my life
Like the stars in the sky have all aligned
I never would deny cuz
You and I

We will live forever
Love each other
Die together
How could we deny what feels so right
We will live forever
Love each other
Kill each other
Isn't that the way that life's supposed to be

When it feels like
It couldn't be better
When it feels like
No one else could take your place
When you know you have the answer
I never will deny
Cuz you and I

We will live forever
Love each other
Die together
How could we deny what feels so right
We will live forever
Love each other
Kill each other
How could we deny what feels so right

We will live forever
Love each other
Die together
How could we deny what feels so right
We will live forever
Love each other
Kill each other
Isn't that the way that life's supposed to be

Mirror lyrics:

Isn't that the way that life's supposed to be
Kill each other
Love each other
We will live forever
How could we deny what feels so right
Die together
Love each other
We will live forever

How could we deny what feels so right
Kill each other
Love each other
We will live forever
How could we deny what feels so right
Die together
Love each other
We will live forever

Cuz you and I
I never will deny
When you know you have the answer
No one else could take your place
When it feels like
It couldn't be better
When it feels like

Isn't that the way that life's supposed to be
Kill each other
Love each other
We will live forever
How could we deny what feels so right
Die together
Love each other
We will live forever

You and I
I never would deny cuz
Like the stars in the sky have all aligned
Feel for once in my life
I know it's crazy but I
You're the one I always knew
Now I know without a question
Was just a phase that I'd go through
I used to think that my obsession

Supposed to be
Isn't that the way that life's supposed to be
Kill each other
Love each other
We will live forever
How could we deny what feels so right
Die together
Love each other
We will live forever

You and I
I never will deny that
Like the stars in the sky have all aligned
Feel for once in my life
Maybe I'm crazy but I

A thousand miles to get to you
And I would swim across the ocean
It's what I need to get me through
I'm not afraid to show emotion

Relevant Tags:
SSupposed TTo BBe upposed o e uSpposed oT eB zupposed fo ve zSupposed fTo vBe Szupposed Tfo Bve wupposed 5o ge wSupposed 5To gBe
Swupposed T5o Bge dupposed ho ne dSupposed hTo nBe Sdupposed Tho Bne eupposed yo he eSupposed yTo hBe Seupposed Tyo Bhe xupposed 6o Bee
xSupposed 6To B Sxupposed T6o Be aupposed go Bs aSupposed gTo Bse Saupposed Tgo Bes Suupposed ro B3 Spposed rTo B3e Spuposed Tro Be3
Shpposed Too Bf Shupposed T Bfe Suhpposed To Bef S7pposed Tk Br S7upposed Tko Bre Su7pposed Tok Ber Skpposed T9 B4 Skupposed T9o B4e
Sukpposed To9 Be4 Sipposed T0 Bd Siupposed T0o Bde Suipposed To0 Bed S8pposed Tl Bw S8upposed Tlo Bwe Su8pposed Tol Bew Sjpposed Ti
Sjupposed Tio Sujpposed Toi Sypposed Syupposed Suypposed Suppposed Suposed Supposed
Su0posed Su0pposed Sup0posed Sulposed Sulpposed Suplposed Suoposed Suopposed
Supoposed Supopsed Sup0osed Supp0osed Suplosed Supplosed Supoosed

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