The Red, White And Blues

That whiskey burns going down
Old man pour me another round
Cause it's my last night in town
And I ain't thinking of slowing down.
No, I am fixing to drown

Till I see the sun or I can't see
Cause I got the blues and the blues got me
I'm gonna make my momma proud
Her boy on the front lines
And just like my daddy done
I ain't afraid to die.

I ain't afraid to die.
I ain't no fortunate one
But I'm proud of what I've done.
Hardships, I've seen some
I ain't a coward I don't turn and run
I don't turn and run.

So I stumble home
Pack up my old memories
Pictures of ma
My daddy's flask she gave me
Keep it near your heart
She would always say
It's all he left
And that's where it'll stay.
And her leatherbound
Book of psalms and prayers
She would always read
With patience and care.
A short walk to the cemetery
To pay respects before I leave
1901 to 1943
I run my fingers through her name
And the effigy.

The sun is up
It's all I see
Cause I got the blues
And they still got me.
Yeah they still got me
I'm gonna make my momma proud
Her hopeful new recruit
And just like my daddy done
I'm gonna bleed red, white and blue
I'm gonna bleed red, white and blue
I'm gonna bleed red, white and blue
I'm gonna bleed red, white and blue
I'm gonna bleed red, white and blue

Mirror lyrics:

I'm gonna bleed red, white and blue
I'm gonna bleed red, white and blue
I'm gonna bleed red, white and blue
I'm gonna bleed red, white and blue
I'm gonna bleed red, white and blue
And just like my daddy done
Her hopeful new recruit
I'm gonna make my momma proud
Yeah they still got me
And they still got me.
Cause I got the blues
It's all I see
The sun is up

And the effigy.
I run my fingers through her name
1901 to 1943
To pay respects before I leave
A short walk to the cemetery
With patience and care.
She would always read
Book of psalms and prayers
And her leatherbound
And that's where it'll stay.
It's all he left
She would always say
Keep it near your heart
My daddy's flask she gave me
Pictures of ma
Pack up my old memories
So I stumble home

I don't turn and run.
I ain't a coward I don't turn and run
Hardships, I've seen some
But I'm proud of what I've done.
I ain't no fortunate one
I ain't afraid to die.

I ain't afraid to die.
And just like my daddy done
Her boy on the front lines
I'm gonna make my momma proud
Cause I got the blues and the blues got me
Till I see the sun or I can't see

No, I am fixing to drown
And I ain't thinking of slowing down.
Cause it's my last night in town
Old man pour me another round
That whiskey burns going down

Relevant Tags:
TThe RRed, WWhite AAnd BBlues he ed, hite nd lues hTe eRd, hWite nAd lBues fhe ded, ahite znd vlues fThe dRed, aWhite zAnd vBlues Tfhe Rded, Wahite Aznd Bvlues
5he 4ed, 3hite qnd glues 5The 4Red, 3White qAnd gBlues T5he R4ed, W3hite Aqnd Bglues hhe ged, dhite snd nlues hThe gRed, dWhite sAnd nBlues Thhe Rged, Wdhite Asnd Bnlues
yhe ted, ehite wnd hlues yThe tRed, eWhite wAnd hBlues Tyhe Rted, Wehite Awnd Bhlues 6he 5ed, shite xnd Bllues 6The 5Red, sWhite xAnd Bues T6he R5ed, Wshite Axnd Bules
ghe fed, 2hite Annd Bkues gThe fRed, 2White Ad Bklues Tghe Rfed, W2hite Adn Blkues rhe eed, qhite Amd Boues rThe eRed, qWhite Amnd Bolues Trhe Reed, Wqhite Anmd Bloues
Whhite Ahd Bpues Te Rd, Wite Ahnd Bplues Teh Rde, Wihte Anhd Blpues Tje Rsd, Wjite Ajd Bluues Tjhe Rsed, Wjhite Ajnd Bles Thje Resd, Whjite Anjd Bleus
Tue R3d, Wuite Abd Blhes Tuhe R3ed, Wuhite Abnd Blhues Thue Re3d, Whuite Anbd Bluhes Tne Rfd, Wnite Andd Bl7es Tnhe Wnhite An Bl7ues Thne Refd, Whnite And Blu7es
Tbe Rrd, Wbite Anx Blkes Tbhe Rred, Wbhite Anxd Thbe Rerd, Whbite Andx Blukes Tge R4d, Wgite Ane Blies Wghite Aned Bliues Thge Re4d, Whgite Ande Bluies
Tye Rdd, Wyite Anf Bl8es Wyhite Anfd Bl8ues Thye Redd, Whyite Andf Blu8es Thee Rwd, Whiite Anr Bljes Th Rwed, Whte Anrd Bljues The Rewd, Whtie Andr Blujes
Ths Whjte Anc Blyes Thse Re, Ancd Blyues Thes Re,d Whijte Andc Bluyes Th3 Rex, Wh9te Ans Bluees Th3e Rexd, Wh9ite Ansd Blus The3 Redx, Whi9te Ands Bluse
Thf Ree, Whlte Bluss Thfe Whlite Bluses Thef Rede, Whilte Bluess

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