Innocent Man

you don't know it all
I've gotcha figured out
So proud
walkin tall
it's whach your all about
whach you are is whach you make
don't know how to give and take
blame it all on someone else
everyone except yourself
one step forward
not seems to get you no where
sink you faster
and you know you'll want to save the day
so you'll grab on the reins
and run in circles
your gonna crash and
drag the world down with you
only one thing remains
hey man be aware
now....seem to day
....he dont care
you can run but you cant hide

from the guilt u built inside
......won't forget
never will get over it
thinking backwards
how the hell did this get started
drowning faster
down you go
you wanna save the day
so you'll grab on the reins
and run in circles
you're gonna crash and
drag the world down with you
only one thing remains
you wanna save the day
so you'll grab on the reins
and run in circles
you're gonna crash and
drag the world down with you
only one thing remains

Mirror lyrics:

only one thing remains
drag the world down with you
you're gonna crash and
and run in circles
so you'll grab on the reins
you wanna save the day
only one thing remains
drag the world down with you
you're gonna crash and
and run in circles
so you'll grab on the reins
you wanna save the day
down you go
drowning faster
how the hell did this get started
thinking backwards
never will get over it
......won't forget
from the guilt u built inside

you can run but you cant hide
....he dont care
now....seem to day
hey man be aware
only one thing remains
drag the world down with you
your gonna crash and
and run in circles
so you'll grab on the reins
and you know you'll want to save the day
sink you faster
not seems to get you no where
one step forward
everyone except yourself
blame it all on someone else
don't know how to give and take
whach you are is whach you make
it's whach your all about
walkin tall
So proud
I've gotcha figured out
you don't know it all

Relevant Tags:
IInnocent MMan nnocent an nInocent aMn jnnocent jan jInnocent jMan Ijnnocent Mjan 9nnocent kan 9Innocent kMan I9nnocent Mkan
lnnocent nan lInnocent nMan Ilnnocent Mnan onnocent Maan oInnocent Mn Ionnocent Mna knnocent Mzn kInnocent Mzan Iknnocent Mazn
8nnocent Mqn 8Innocent Mqan I8nnocent Maqn unnocent Msn uInnocent Msan Iunnocent Masn Innnocent Mwn Inocent Mwan Innocent Mawn
Imnocent Mxn Imnnocent Mxan Inmnocent Maxn Ihnocent Mann Ihnnocent Ma Inhnocent Man Ijnocent Mam Mamn Injnocent Manm
Ibnocent Mah Ibnnocent Mahn Inbnocent Manh Maj Majn Inoncent Manj Inmocent Mab Mabn Innmocent Manb
Inhocent Innhocent Injocent Innjocent Inbocent Innbocent Innoocent Inncent Inncoent
Innkcent Innkocent Innokcent Inn9cent Inn9ocent Inno9cent Inn0cent Inn0ocent Inno0cent
Innlcent Innlocent Innolcent Innicent

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