Dai The Flu

I always wondered why it takes
fifteen stitches and a soft parody
to make my eyes be like deceit I
believe the sting proves heart to me

Now I know that you love me
Thank god that you love at all

Dislocated at the joint
timing is everything in the bed
'cause you'll sleep for hours to
keep away then sink the teeth and bat your eyes at

Now I know that you love me
Thank god you love at all

What's the surprise I was right
here going off and going on

At least now I know that you

Love me thank god that you love at all

What's the surprise I was right here
going off going on dai the flu

Mirror lyrics:

going off going on dai the flu
What's the surprise I was right here

Love me thank god that you love at all

At least now I know that you

here going off and going on
What's the surprise I was right

Thank god you love at all
Now I know that you love me

keep away then sink the teeth and bat your eyes at
'cause you'll sleep for hours to
timing is everything in the bed
Dislocated at the joint

Thank god that you love at all
Now I know that you love me

believe the sting proves heart to me
to make my eyes be like deceit I
fifteen stitches and a soft parody
I always wondered why it takes

Relevant Tags:
DDai TThe FFlu ai he lu aDi hTe lFu xai fhe clu xDai fThe cFlu Dxai Tfhe Fclu eai 5he rlu eDai 5The rFlu Deai T5he Frlu fai hhe glu
fDai hThe gFlu Dfai Thhe Fglu rai yhe tlu rDai yThe tFlu Drai Tyhe Ftlu cai 6he vlu cDai 6The vFlu Dcai T6he Fvlu sai ghe dlu sDai gThe dFlu
Dsai Tghe Fdlu Daai rhe Fllu Di rThe Fu Dia Trhe Ful Dzi Fku Dzai Te Fklu Dazi Teh Flku Dqi Tje Fou Dqai Tjhe Folu Daqi Thje Flou
Dsi Tue Fpu Tuhe Fplu Dasi Thue Flpu

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