Devendra Banhart
When The Sun Shone On Vetiver

When the sun shone on vetiver
When the sun shone on vetiver
When the sun shone down on her

Well, there's silver in that hole
Yeah, there's silver in that hole
Yeah, there's silver and coal

And they're longing for the land
And they're longing for the land
For nature's forgiving hand

And we're drifting
And we're sailing
And we're drifting
And we're sailing
And we're drifting

Now the sun aligns you legs
And your lips and arms and breasts
And the moon pours weather then

And your branches claw around my claws
Your branches claw around my claws
And my leaves brush against your paws

And we're dancing
And we're dancing
And we're dancing...

In Ireland my baby waits for me
In Greeceland my baby waits for me
In Spainland my baby waits for me
In Ireland my baby waits for me

In all lands my baby waits for me
Waiting patiently
She's waiting patiently
Waiting patiently
Waiting patiently

I fall in love

Mirror lyrics:

I fall in love

Waiting patiently
Waiting patiently
She's waiting patiently
Waiting patiently
In all lands my baby waits for me

In Ireland my baby waits for me
In Spainland my baby waits for me
In Greeceland my baby waits for me
In Ireland my baby waits for me

And we're dancing...
And we're dancing
And we're dancing

And my leaves brush against your paws
Your branches claw around my claws
And your branches claw around my claws

And the moon pours weather then
And your lips and arms and breasts
Now the sun aligns you legs

And we're drifting
And we're sailing
And we're drifting
And we're sailing
And we're drifting

For nature's forgiving hand
And they're longing for the land
And they're longing for the land

Yeah, there's silver and coal
Yeah, there's silver in that hole
Well, there's silver in that hole

When the sun shone down on her
When the sun shone on vetiver
When the sun shone on vetiver

Relevant Tags:
WWhen TThe SSun SShone OOn VVetiver hen he un hone n etiver hWen hTe uSn hSone nO eVtiver ahen fhe zun zhone kn betiver aWhen fThe zSun zShone kOn bVetiver
Wahen Tfhe Szun Szhone Okn Vbetiver 3hen 5he wun whone 9n cetiver 3When 5The wSun wShone 9On cVetiver W3hen T5he Swun Swhone O9n Vcetiver dhen hhe dun dhone 0n getiver
dWhen hThe dSun dShone 0On gVetiver Wdhen Thhe Sdun Sdhone O0n Vgetiver ehen yhe eun ehone ln fetiver eWhen yThe eSun eShone lOn fVetiver Wehen Tyhe Seun Sehone Oln Vfetiver
shen 6he xun xhone in Veetiver sWhen 6The xSun xShone iOn Vtiver Wshen T6he Sxun Sxhone Oin Vteiver 2hen ghe aun ahone Onn Vstiver 2When gThe aSun aShone O Vsetiver
W2hen Tghe Saun Sahone On Vestiver qhen rhe Suun Shhone Om V3tiver qWhen rThe Sn Sone Omn V3etiver Wqhen Trhe Snu Sohne Onm Ve3tiver Whhen Shn Sjone Oh Vftiver
Wen Te Shun Sjhone Ohn Wehn Teh Suhn Shjone Onh Veftiver Wjen Tje S7n Suone Oj Vrtiver Wjhen Tjhe S7un Suhone Ojn Vretiver Whjen Thje Su7n Shuone Onj Vertiver
Wuen Tue Skn Snone Ob V4tiver Wuhen Tuhe Skun Snhone Obn V4etiver Whuen Thue Sukn Shnone Onb Ve4tiver Wnen Tne Sin Sbone Vdtiver Wnhen Tnhe Siun Sbhone Vdetiver
Whnen Thne Suin Shbone Vedtiver Wben Tbe S8n Sgone Vwtiver Wbhen Tbhe S8un Sghone Vwetiver Whben Thbe Su8n Shgone Vewtiver Wgen Tge Sjn Syone Vettiver
Wghen Sjun Syhone Veiver Whgen Thge Sujn Shyone Veitver Wyen Tye Syn Shoone Vefiver Wyhen Syun Shne Whyen Thye Suyn Shnoe Vetfiver
Wheen Thee Sunn Shkne Ve5iver Whn Th Su Shkone Ve5tiver Whne The Sun Shokne Vet5iver Whsn Ths Sum Sh9ne Vehiver Whsen Thse Sumn Sh9one Vehtiver
Whesn Thes Sunm Sho9ne Vethiver Wh3n Th3 Suh Sh0ne Veyiver Wh3en Th3e Sh0one Veytiver Whe3n The3 Sunh Sho0ne Vetyiver Whfn Thf Suj Shlne Ve6iver
Whfen Thfe Shlone Ve6tiver Whefn Thef Sunj Sholne Vet6iver Whrn Thr Sub Shine Vegiver Whren Thre Subn Shione Vegtiver Whern Ther Sunb Shoine Vetgiver
Wh4n Th4 Shonne Veriver Wh4en Th4e Shoe Whe4n The4 Shoen Vetriver Whdn Thd Shome Vetiiver Whden Thde Shomne Vetver
Whedn Thed Shonme Vetvier Whwn Thw Shohe Vetjver Whwen Thwe Shohne Vetjiver Whewn Thew Shonhe Vetijver Whenn Shoje Vet9ver
Whe Shojne Vet9iver

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