Devendra Banhart

Sister, sister, keep the fire inside, and your dogs won't die.
And now it's all clear, it's all clear, you can see the child before it's born
Yeah it's all clear, it's all clear, it's all your little sun son smile before it's
Sister, we'll climb, we'll climb 'til the dogs, climb over us
We'll climb, we'll climb, we'll climb 'til the dogs, climb over us
Sister, what you're coming turn all the lights, all out, out, I can't see no more
Now I reach out, now I feel for, now I reach out, now I feel for

Mirror lyrics:

Now I reach out, now I feel for, now I reach out, now I feel for
Sister, what you're coming turn all the lights, all out, out, I can't see no more
We'll climb, we'll climb, we'll climb 'til the dogs, climb over us
Sister, we'll climb, we'll climb 'til the dogs, climb over us
Yeah it's all clear, it's all clear, it's all your little sun son smile before it's
And now it's all clear, it's all clear, you can see the child before it's born
Sister, sister, keep the fire inside, and your dogs won't die.

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