Detroit Cobras
You Never Change

Don't promise me nothing if
you can't stick to your word
Don't blame me for something that you
claim that you have heard
Don't lead me along while you
run around in the street

It's a pity and a shame
Baby, you'll never change

Would a woman want a man if he
never wants to make romance
What do I need with a man if I
only get to see him by chance
These long lonely nights are
about to drive me insane

It's a pity and shame
Baby, you'll never change

You were so nice
I remember when it started
I never thought that
you would ever change
Is it my fault that I'm
sad and broken-hearted?
I wish you'd leave
before I go insane

You never take me in your arms
you never have nothing that's to say
You walk around lookin' mean and evil
each and every day
You even get fightin' mad
whenever I call your name

It's a pity and a shame
Baby, you'll never change

Mirror lyrics:

Baby, you'll never change
It's a pity and a shame

whenever I call your name
You even get fightin' mad
each and every day
You walk around lookin' mean and evil
you never have nothing that's to say
You never take me in your arms

before I go insane
I wish you'd leave
sad and broken-hearted?
Is it my fault that I'm
you would ever change
I never thought that
I remember when it started
You were so nice

Baby, you'll never change
It's a pity and shame

about to drive me insane
These long lonely nights are
only get to see him by chance
What do I need with a man if I
never wants to make romance
Would a woman want a man if he

Baby, you'll never change
It's a pity and a shame

run around in the street
Don't lead me along while you
claim that you have heard
Don't blame me for something that you
you can't stick to your word
Don't promise me nothing if

Relevant Tags:
YYou NNever CChange ou ever hange oYu eNver hCange gou mever fhange gYou mNever fChange Ygou Nmever Cfhange hou hever xhange
hYou hNever xChange Yhou Nhever Cxhange 6ou jever vhange 6You jNever vChange Y6ou Njever Cvhange uou bever dhange uYou bNever dChange
Yuou Nbever Cdhange 7ou Neever Chhange 7You Nver Cange Y7ou Nveer Cahnge jou Nsver Cjange jYou Nsever Cjhange Yjou Nesver Chjange
tou N3ver Cuange tYou N3ever Cuhange Ytou Ne3ver Chuange Yoou Nfver Cnange Yu Nfever Cnhange Yuo Nefver Chnange Yku Nrver Cbange
Ykou Nrever Cbhange Yoku Nerver Chbange Y9u N4ver Cgange Y9ou N4ever Cghange Yo9u Ne4ver Chgange Y0u Ndver Cyange Y0ou Ndever Cyhange
Yo0u Nedver Chyange Ylu Nwver Chaange Ylou Nwever Chnge Yolu Newver Chnage Yiu Nevver Chznge Yiou Neer Chzange Yoiu Neevr Chaznge
Youu Neber Chqnge Yo Nebver Chqange You Nevber Chaqnge Yoh Necer Chsnge Yohu Necver Chsange Youh Nevcer Chasnge Yo7 Neger Chwnge
Yo7u Negver Chwange You7 Nevger Chawnge Yok Nefer Chxnge Chxange Youk Nevfer Chaxnge Yoi Neveer Channge Nevr Chage

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