The Fury Of Our Maker's Hand

I'm just a human being
A mistake made of feelings
With a soul, wrapped in chains
So fragile, full of pain
No one knows why we are here
Giving laughter and so many tears
I will just do my best
To keep my head above the rest

No one really knows
Which way the wind blows

One day the tides will turn
One day the fields will burn
One day the seas will churn
The fury of our maker's hand

Man is a mistake cast out
Shunned and cast down
Giving life through breath of gods
With itself always at odds
The pious, the preacher
The liar, the creature
From rock to fire
The dust of man

O my maker
I need a savior

One day the tides will turn
One day the fields will burn
One day the seas will churn
The fury of our maker's hand

The fury, the fury
What will you do?

Mirror lyrics:

What will you do?
The fury, the fury

The fury of our maker's hand
One day the seas will churn
One day the fields will burn
One day the tides will turn

I need a savior
O my maker

The dust of man
From rock to fire
The liar, the creature
The pious, the preacher
With itself always at odds
Giving life through breath of gods
Shunned and cast down
Man is a mistake cast out

The fury of our maker's hand
One day the seas will churn
One day the fields will burn
One day the tides will turn

Which way the wind blows
No one really knows

To keep my head above the rest
I will just do my best
Giving laughter and so many tears
No one knows why we are here
So fragile, full of pain
With a soul, wrapped in chains
A mistake made of feelings
I'm just a human being

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFury OOf OOur MMaker's HHand he ury f ur aker's and hTe uFry fO uOr aMker's aHnd fhe cury kf kur jaker's jand fThe cFury kOf kOur jMaker's jHand
Tfhe Fcury Okf Okur Mjaker's Hjand 5he rury 9f 9ur kaker's uand 5The rFury 9Of 9Our kMaker's uHand T5he Frury O9f O9ur Mkaker's Huand hhe gury 0f 0ur naker's nand
hThe gFury 0Of 0Our nMaker's nHand Thhe Fgury O0f O0ur Mnaker's Hnand yhe tury lf lur Maaker's band yThe tFury lOf lOur Mker's bHand Tyhe Ftury Olf Olur Mkaer's Hband
6he vury if iur Mzker's gand 6The vFury iOf iOur Mzaker's gHand T6he Fvury Oif Oiur Mazker's Hgand ghe dury Off Ouur Mqker's yand gThe dFury O Or Mqaker's yHand
Tghe Fdury Of Oru Maqker's Hyand rhe Fuury Oc Ohr Msker's Haand rThe Fry Ocf Ohur Msaker's Hnd Trhe Fruy Ofc Ouhr Masker's Hnad Fhry Or O7r Mwker's Hznd
Te Fhury Orf O7ur Mwaker's Hzand Teh Fuhry Ofr Ou7r Mawker's Haznd Tje F7ry Og Okr Mxker's Hqnd Tjhe F7ury Ogf Mxaker's Hqand Thje Fu7ry Ofg Oukr Maxker's Haqnd
Tue Fkry Ot Oir Makker's Hsnd Tuhe Fkury Otf Maer's Hsand Thue Fukry Oft Ouir Maekr's Hasnd Tne Firy Ov O8r Maler's Hwnd Tnhe Fiury Ovf O8ur Malker's Hwand
Thne Fuiry Ofv Ou8r Makler's Hawnd Tbe F8ry Od Ojr Maoer's Hxnd Tbhe F8ury Odf Ojur Maoker's Hxand Thbe Fu8ry Ofd Oujr Makoer's Haxnd Tge Fjry Oyr Mamer's Hannd
Fjury Oyur Mamker's Had Thge Fujry Ouyr Makmer's Hadn Tye Fyry Ourr Majer's Hamd Fyury Ou Majker's Hamnd Thye Fuyry Our Makjer's Hanmd
Thee Furry Oud Maier's Hahd Th Fuy Oudr Maiker's Hahnd The Fuyr Ourd Makier's Hanhd Ths Fudy Ou4 Makeer's Hajd Thse Fudry Ou4r Makr's Hajnd
Thes Furdy Our4 Makre's Hanjd Th3 Fu4y Oug Maksr's Habd Th3e Fu4ry Ougr Makser's Habnd The3 Fur4y Ourg Makesr's Hanbd Thf Fugy Out Mak3r's Handd
Thfe Fugry Outr Mak3er's Han Thef Furgy Ourt Make3r's Hand Thr Futy Ou5 Makfr's Hanx

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