Strech Out Your Arms

Lay down and stretch up your arms
There will be no one to harm us now
I am radiating in your hand
We're in the glass

Oh Lord tell me where to go
Show me and I will follow

And I'll be good....

Lay down and stretch out your arms
So I can fit right on your chest
Wrap tight around me my love
It's gonna hurt when you see what you've done

And I'll be there...

Oh Lord tell me where to go
Show me and I will follow
You could deepen my wounds
Or you could tell me that I am good

Lay down and stretch out your arms
Now I know that you meant me no harm
Here in the safety of my bed
How many times must I break...

Mirror lyrics:

How many times must I break...
Here in the safety of my bed
Now I know that you meant me no harm
Lay down and stretch out your arms

Or you could tell me that I am good
You could deepen my wounds
Show me and I will follow
Oh Lord tell me where to go

And I'll be there...

It's gonna hurt when you see what you've done
Wrap tight around me my love
So I can fit right on your chest
Lay down and stretch out your arms

And I'll be good....

Show me and I will follow
Oh Lord tell me where to go

We're in the glass
I am radiating in your hand
There will be no one to harm us now
Lay down and stretch up your arms

Relevant Tags:
SStrech OOut YYour AArms trech ut our rms tSrech uOt oYur rAms ztrech kut gour zrms zStrech kOut gYour zArms Sztrech Okut Ygour Azrms
wtrech 9ut hour qrms wStrech 9Out hYour qArms Swtrech O9ut Yhour Aqrms dtrech 0ut 6our srms dStrech 0Out 6Your sArms Sdtrech O0ut Y6our Asrms
etrech lut uour wrms eStrech lOut uYour wArms Setrech Olut Yuour Awrms xtrech iut 7our xrms xStrech iOut 7Your xArms Sxtrech Oiut Y7our Axrms
atrech Ouut jour Arrms aStrech Ot jYour Ams Satrech Otu Yjour Amrs Sttrech Oht tour Adms Srech Ohut tYour Adrms Srtech Ouht Ytour Ardms
Sfrech O7t Yoour A4ms Sftrech O7ut Yur A4rms Stfrech Ou7t Yuor Ar4ms S5rech Okt Ykur Agms S5trech Ykour Agrms St5rech Oukt Yokur Argms
Shrech Oit Y9ur Atms Shtrech Y9our Atrms Sthrech Ouit Yo9ur Artms Syrech O8t Y0ur A5ms Sytrech O8ut Y0our A5rms Styrech Ou8t Yo0ur Ar5ms
S6rech Ojt Ylur Afms S6trech Ojut Ylour Afrms St6rech Oujt Yolur Arfms Sgrech Oyt Yiur Aems Sgtrech Oyut Yiour Aerms Stgrech Ouyt Yoiur Arems
Srrech Outt Youur Armms Srtrech Ou Yor Ars Strrech Out Yoru Arsm Ouf Yohr Arjs Stech Ouft Yohur Arjms Sterch Outf Youhr Armjs
Stdech Ou5 Yo7r Arks Stdrech Ou5t Yo7ur Arkms Strdech Out5 You7r Armks St4ech Ouh Yokr Arns St4rech Arnms Str4ech Outh Youkr Armns
Stgech Ouy Yoir Armss Arm Strgech Outy Youir Arms Sttech Ou6 Yo8r Armz Ou6t Yo8ur Armzs

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