Denison Witmer
I Would Call You Now

This cannot be real
Lookin' up into the cold
This window holds a view
Of you and I and growing old

I would call you now
If I had strength on the telephone
I would call you now
Say the words to bring you home

This cannot be real
Lookin out into the rain
This window holds a view
Of you and I and how things change

I would call you now
If you weren't sleeping three hours from here
I would call you now
Sing the words that bring you near

I would call you now
If you weren't sleeping three hours from here
So lay your sweet head down
And dream of me, so far yet near

Mirror lyrics:

And dream of me, so far yet near
So lay your sweet head down
If you weren't sleeping three hours from here
I would call you now

Sing the words that bring you near
I would call you now
If you weren't sleeping three hours from here
I would call you now

Of you and I and how things change
This window holds a view
Lookin out into the rain
This cannot be real

Say the words to bring you home
I would call you now
If I had strength on the telephone
I would call you now

Of you and I and growing old
This window holds a view
Lookin' up into the cold
This cannot be real

Relevant Tags:
II WWould CCall YYou NNow ould all ou ow I oWuld aCll oYu oNw j aould fall gou mow jI aWould fCall gYou mNow Ij Waould Cfall Ygou Nmow
9 3ould xall hou how 9I 3Would xCall hYou hNow I9 W3ould Cxall Yhou Nhow l dould vall 6ou jow lI dWould vCall 6You jNow Il Wdould Cvall Y6ou Njow
o eould dall uou bow oI eWould dCall uYou bNow Io Weould Cdall Yuou Nbow k sould Caall 7ou Noow kI sWould Cll 7You Nw Ik Wsould Clal Y7ou Nwo
8 2ould Czll jou Nkw 8I 2Would Czall jYou Nkow I8 W2ould Cazll Yjou Nokw u qould Cqll tou N9w uI qWould Cqall tYou N9ow Iu Wqould Caqll Ytou No9w
Woould Csll Yoou N0w Wuld Csall Yu N0ow Wuold Casll Yuo No0w Wkuld Cwll Yku Nlw Wkould Cwall Ykou Nlow Wokuld Cawll Yoku Nolw
W9uld Cxll Y9u Niw W9ould Y9ou Niow Wo9uld Caxll Yo9u Noiw W0uld Calll Y0u Noww W0ould Cal Y0ou No Wo0uld Call Yo0u Now
Wluld Cakl Ylu Noa Wlould Cakll Ylou Noaw Woluld Calkl Yolu Nowa Wiuld Caol Yiu No3 Wiould Caoll Yiou No3w Woiuld Calol Yoiu Now3
Wouuld Capl Youu Nod Wold Capll Yo Nodw Wolud Calpl You Nowd Wohld Yoh Noe Wohuld Yohu Noew Wouhld Youh Nowe

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