Demon Hunter
One Thousand Apologies

There you stood in disbelief,
trying all you could to see through these lies
And every word that I could brethe,
would find you more inclined to leave, but I tried
And knowing what I've done to you,
with every thought you suffer through
My heart as black as evil can
And everything I could have been,
erased by what I wanted then
I couldn't think a lesser man

All the delicate ways
That I deepened our graves
My apology pales

Oh, the pain in your eyes
My regrets have never known such sorrow
Oh, the shame that you hide
Resolutions are the same tomorrow

So now I reap what I have sewn, and any rapture I had shown has bled dry
And I walked the streets alone, accepting the pain I'd never known, as you died
Then I hurt myself to see it too, to feel the knife put in you
My heart as broken as my ways
I never should've let it pass, this fall was never meant to last
The reason gone and damage stays

All the delicate ways
That I deepened our graves
My apology pales

Oh, the pain in your eyes
My regrets have never known such sorrow
Oh, the shame that you hide
Resolutions are the same tomorrow

All the delicate ways
That I deepened our graves
My apology pales

Oh, the pain in your eyes
My regrets have never known such sorrow
Oh, the shame that you hide
Resolutions are the same tomorrow

Mirror lyrics:

Resolutions are the same tomorrow
Oh, the shame that you hide
My regrets have never known such sorrow
Oh, the pain in your eyes

My apology pales
That I deepened our graves
All the delicate ways

Resolutions are the same tomorrow
Oh, the shame that you hide
My regrets have never known such sorrow
Oh, the pain in your eyes

My apology pales
That I deepened our graves
All the delicate ways

The reason gone and damage stays
I never should've let it pass, this fall was never meant to last
My heart as broken as my ways
Then I hurt myself to see it too, to feel the knife put in you
And I walked the streets alone, accepting the pain I'd never known, as you died
So now I reap what I have sewn, and any rapture I had shown has bled dry

Resolutions are the same tomorrow
Oh, the shame that you hide
My regrets have never known such sorrow
Oh, the pain in your eyes

My apology pales
That I deepened our graves
All the delicate ways

I couldn't think a lesser man
erased by what I wanted then
And everything I could have been,
My heart as black as evil can
with every thought you suffer through
And knowing what I've done to you,
would find you more inclined to leave, but I tried
And every word that I could brethe,
trying all you could to see through these lies
There you stood in disbelief,

Relevant Tags:
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Onne ghousand Appologies Oe gThousand Aologies Oen Tghousand Aoplogies Ome rhousand A0ologies Omne rThousand A0pologies Onme Trhousand Ap0ologies
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Thoksand Apollgies Thouksand Apololgies Thoisand Apoligies Apoliogies Thouisand Apoloigies

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