Diana Degarmo
I've Got The Music In Me

Top: 32
Original: Kiki Dee

Ain't got no trouble in my life
No foolish dream to make me cry
I'm never frightened or worried
I know I'll always get by

I heat up, come on!
I cool down
When something gets in my way
I go round it

Don't let life
Get me down
Gonna take it
The way that I found it

I've got the music in me
I've got the music in me
I've got the music in me, yeah-eah

I've got the music in me
I've got the music in me
I've got the music in me

Feel funky
Feel good
Gonna tell ya
I'm in the neighbourhood
Gonna fly like a bird on the wing
Hold onto your hat, honey
Sing, sing

I've got the music in me
I've got the music in me

I've got music
Pretty music
I've got the music
In me

Mirror lyrics:

In me
I've got the music
Pretty music
I've got music

I've got the music in me
I've got the music in me

Sing, sing
Hold onto your hat, honey
Gonna fly like a bird on the wing
I'm in the neighbourhood
Gonna tell ya
Feel good
Feel funky

I've got the music in me
I've got the music in me
I've got the music in me

I've got the music in me, yeah-eah
I've got the music in me
I've got the music in me

The way that I found it
Gonna take it
Get me down
Don't let life

I go round it
When something gets in my way
I cool down
I heat up, come on!

I know I'll always get by
I'm never frightened or worried
No foolish dream to make me cry
Ain't got no trouble in my life

Original: Kiki Dee
Top: 32

Relevant Tags:
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9've yot 5he kusic 9n ke 9I've yGot 5The kMusic 9In kMe I9've Gyot T5he Mkusic I9n Mke l've bot hhe nusic ln ne lI've bGot hThe nMusic lIn nMe Il've Gbot Thhe Mnusic Iln Mne
o've vot yhe Muusic on Mee oI've vGot yThe Msic oIn M Io've Gvot Tyhe Msuic Ion Me k've fot 6he Mhsic kn Ms kI've fGot 6The Mhusic kIn Mse Ik've Gfot T6he Muhsic Ikn Mes
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I'ge Git Tbe Mussic Ib I'gve Giot Tbhe Muic Ibn I'vge Goit Thbe Muisc Inb I'fe Gott Tge Muzic I'fve Go Muzsic I'vfe Got Thge Muszic
I'vee Gof Tye Muwic I'v Goft Muwsic I've Gotf Thye Muswic I'vs Go5 Thee Mudic I'vse Go5t Th Mudsic

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