Bad Sign

He was born in place
where the shadows
grow upon the grain

Not far from here

It was the time when dreams
were taken away
Oh, it flings him down to despair

And he can't cry for what it might have been like
He can't 'cos he has no more tears
Now he is standing in silence
holding his breath
Before they know it the blood runs red

"For the pain"
"For the shame"
Three and four
"Just in case"
No need for words
Eight will be a secret

Bad Sign

He can't take back all the things he has done
Redemption will remain

He has frozen his fate
and now it's far too late
to find the reason to go on

Mirror lyrics:

to find the reason to go on
and now it's far too late
He has frozen his fate

Redemption will remain
He can't take back all the things he has done

Bad Sign

Eight will be a secret
No need for words
"Just in case"
Three and four
"For the shame"
"For the pain"

Before they know it the blood runs red
holding his breath
Now he is standing in silence
He can't 'cos he has no more tears
And he can't cry for what it might have been like

Oh, it flings him down to despair
were taken away
It was the time when dreams

Not far from here

grow upon the grain
where the shadows
He was born in place

Relevant Tags:
BBad SSign ad ign aBd iSgn vad zign vBad zSign Bvad Szign gad wign gBad wSign Bgad Swign nad dign nBad dSign
Bnad Sdign had eign hBad eSign Bhad Seign Baad xign Bd xSign Bda Sxign Bzd aign Bzad aSign Bazd Saign Bqd Siign
Bqad Sgn Baqd Sgin Bsd Sjgn Bsad Sjign Basd Sijgn Bwd S9gn Bwad S9ign Bawd Si9gn Bxd Slgn Bxad Slign Baxd Silgn
Badd Sogn Ba Soign Bad Siogn Bax Skgn Skign Badx Sikgn Bae S8gn

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