Dechant Anne E
From The Fields

Don't tell me about your sister's babies
I want one who looks like you
To fill this house with something
Come In From the fields
Oh baby
Come In From the fields
Don't send me flowers from a store
Find the lilac and heather outside
And wrap them up in ribbons
and bring them to me when you
Come in from the fields
Come in from the fields
Don't send me gifts from Europe
Find the words to tell me how you feel
Write them on a postcard and
we will read it when you
Come in from the fields
When you
Come in from the fields

Oooh the simple things like
I love you and
You can wear my shirt and borrow my car
[bridge 1]
Don't tell me about your sister's babies
I want one who looks like you
To fill this house with something and
we will make her when you
Come in from the fields
When you come in from the fields
[bridge 2]
We will make her when you
Come in from the fields
When you come in from the fields
When you come in from the fields
Come in from the fields

Mirror lyrics:

Come in from the fields
When you come in from the fields
When you come in from the fields
Come in from the fields
We will make her when you
[bridge 2]
When you come in from the fields
Come in from the fields
we will make her when you
To fill this house with something and
I want one who looks like you
Don't tell me about your sister's babies
[bridge 1]
You can wear my shirt and borrow my car
I love you and
Oooh the simple things like

Come in from the fields
When you
Come in from the fields
we will read it when you
Write them on a postcard and
Find the words to tell me how you feel
Don't send me gifts from Europe
Come in from the fields
Come in from the fields
and bring them to me when you
And wrap them up in ribbons
Find the lilac and heather outside
Don't send me flowers from a store
Come In From the fields
Oh baby
Come In From the fields
To fill this house with something
I want one who looks like you
Don't tell me about your sister's babies

Relevant Tags:
FFrom TThe FFields rom he ields rFom hTe iFelds crom fhe cields cFrom fThe cFields Fcrom Tfhe Fcields rrom 5he rields
rFrom 5The rFields Frrom T5he Frields grom hhe gields gFrom hThe gFields Fgrom Thhe Fgields trom yhe tields tFrom yThe tFields
Ftrom Tyhe Ftields vrom 6he vields vFrom 6The vFields Fvrom T6he Fvields drom ghe dields dFrom gThe dFields Fdrom Tghe Fdields
rhe Fiields Fom rThe Felds Form Trhe Feilds Fdom Fjelds Te Fjields Frdom Teh Fijelds F4om Tje F9elds
F4rom Tjhe F9ields Fr4om Thje Fi9elds Fgom Tue Flelds Tuhe Flields Frgom Thue Filelds Ftom Tne Foelds Tnhe Foields
Frtom Thne Fioelds F5om Tbe Fkelds F5rom Tbhe Fkields Fr5om Thbe Fikelds Ffom Tge F8elds Ffrom F8ields Frfom Thge Fi8elds
Feom Tye Fuelds Ferom Fuields Freom Thye Fiuelds Froom Thee Fieelds Frm Th Filds Frmo The Fileds Frkm Ths Fislds
Frkom Thse Fiselds Frokm Thes Fieslds Fr9m Th3 Fi3lds Fr9om Th3e Fi3elds Fro9m The3 Fie3lds Fr0m Thf Fiflds Fr0om Thfe Fifelds
Fro0m Thef Fieflds Frlm Thr Firlds Frlom Thre Firelds Frolm Ther Fierlds

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