December Star
A Fine Day To Realize Hope Is Leaving

Looking on the outside
You'd never even guess
That on the inside my bones shatter like glass
And this hit that you put to me
Left me down and out on my knees
Drowning in my own regret
So forget everything I ever said
And fail this fixed fight
Wipe the blood from my lips
And the fire from my eyes

And I fear that I'm too far gone
To even start to tell the difference
Between my dreams and the air that I breathe
Healing only starts when we see the scars on our own wrists
I'm at a loss for what to do
For what to do
Is this how we know what to question what we hold onto?

And my mind's being jaded
My love is slowly fading
Keep me from the one mistake I know I can't afford to make
And it costs me everything I own
And I just don't know
How far now can I swim out in this ocean of my own regret
Before I lose it all and drown

And when I thought it was all over
And I sank beneath the water
You wrapped around me tight
And you rescued my soul
Now I'm never turning back
I'm returning to my home
Never turning back
I won't look back

Mirror lyrics:

I won't look back
Never turning back
I'm returning to my home
Now I'm never turning back
And you rescued my soul
You wrapped around me tight
And I sank beneath the water
And when I thought it was all over

Before I lose it all and drown
How far now can I swim out in this ocean of my own regret
And I just don't know
And it costs me everything I own
Keep me from the one mistake I know I can't afford to make
My love is slowly fading
And my mind's being jaded

Is this how we know what to question what we hold onto?
For what to do
I'm at a loss for what to do
Healing only starts when we see the scars on our own wrists
Between my dreams and the air that I breathe
To even start to tell the difference
And I fear that I'm too far gone

And the fire from my eyes
Wipe the blood from my lips
And fail this fixed fight
So forget everything I ever said
Drowning in my own regret
Left me down and out on my knees
And this hit that you put to me
That on the inside my bones shatter like glass
You'd never even guess
Looking on the outside

Relevant Tags:
AA FFine DDay TTo RRealize HHope IIs LLeaving ine ay o ealize ope s eaving A iFne aDy oT eRalize oHpe sI eLaving
z cine xay fo dealize jope js keaving zA cFine xDay fTo dRealize jHope jIs kLeaving Az Fcine Dxay Tfo Rdealize Hjope Ijs Lkeaving
q rine eay 5o 4ealize uope 9s oeaving qA rFine eDay 5To 4Realize uHope 9Is oLeaving Aq Frine Deay T5o R4ealize Huope I9s Loeaving
s gine fay ho gealize nope ls peaving sA gFine fDay hTo gRealize nHope lIs pLeaving As Fgine Dfay Tho Rgealize Hnope Ils Lpeaving
w tine ray yo tealize bope os Leeaving wA tFine rDay yTo tRealize bHope oIs Laving Aw Ftine Dray Tyo Rtealize Hbope Ios Laeving
x vine cay 6o 5ealize gope ks Lsaving xA vFine cDay 6To 5Realize gHope kIs Lseaving Ax Fvine Dcay T6o R5ealize Hgope Iks Lesaving
dine say go fealize yope 8s L3aving dFine sDay gTo fRealize yHope 8Is L3eaving Fdine Dsay Tgo Rfealize Hyope I8s Le3aving
Fiine Daay ro eealize Hoope us Lfaving Fne Dy rTo eRealize Hpe uIs Lfeaving Fnie Dya Tro Reealize Hpoe Ius Lefaving
Fjne Dzy Too Hkpe Iss Lraving Fjine Dzay T Ralize Hkope I Lreaving Fijne Dazy To Raelize Hokpe Is Leraving
F9ne Dqy Tk Rsalize H9pe Iz L4aving F9ine Dqay Tko Rsealize H9ope Izs L4eaving Fi9ne Daqy Tok Resalize Ho9pe Isz Le4aving
Flne Dsy T9 R3alize H0pe Iw Ldaving Fline T9o R3ealize H0ope Iws Ldeaving Filne Dasy To9 Re3alize Ho0pe Isw Ledaving
Fone Dwy T0 Rfalize Hlpe Id Lwaving Foine Dway T0o Hlope Ids Lweaving Fione Dawy To0 Refalize Holpe Isd Lewaving
Fkne Dxy Tl Rralize Hipe Ie Leaaving Fkine Tlo Rrealize Hiope Ies Leving Fikne Daxy Tol Reralize Hoipe Ise Levaing
F8ne Dayy Ti R4alize Hoppe Ix Lezving F8ine Da Tio Hoe Ixs Lezaving Fi8ne Day Toi Re4alize Hoep Isx Leazving
Fune Dag Rdalize Ho0e Ia Leqving Fuine Dagy Ias Leqaving Fiune Dayg Redalize Hop0e Isa Leaqving
Finne Dah Rwalize Hole Lesving Fie Dahy Rwealize Fien Dayh Rewalize Hople Leasving
Fime Da6 Reaalize Hooe Lewving Fimne Da6y Relize Finme Day6 Relaize Hopoe Leawving
Fihe Dau Rezlize Hopee Lexving Fihne Dauy Rezalize Hop Lexaving Finhe Dayu Reazlize Hope Leaxving
Fije Da7 Reqlize Hops Leavving Da7y Reqalize Hopse Leaing Finje Day7 Reaqlize Hopes Leaivng
Fibe Daj Reslize Hop3 Leabing Fibne Dajy Hop3e Leabving Finbe Dayj Reaslize Hope3 Leavbing
Finee Dat Rewlize Hopf Leacing Fin Daty Hopfe Leacving Fine Dayt Reawlize Hopef Leavcing
Fins Rexlize Hopr Leaging

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