The Empty Throne

Expansion of the ever increasing universe
Thins down imperfect pictures
And certainty of the tangible existence
Trickles between fingers
Entering the center of the point.
Physical reality dies
Giving birth to the new order.
Negating all that has ever been said for good.
So what are we?
Attracted by the gravity of the black hole
Veiled by the faith in words
Proud of the promised immortality.
Hysteria at the moment of sudden illumination
Will ring with countless screams
Uniting in a sneer
Coming from the empty throne

Mirror lyrics:

Coming from the empty throne
Uniting in a sneer
Will ring with countless screams
Hysteria at the moment of sudden illumination
Proud of the promised immortality.
Veiled by the faith in words
Attracted by the gravity of the black hole
So what are we?
Negating all that has ever been said for good.
Giving birth to the new order.
Physical reality dies
Entering the center of the point.
Trickles between fingers
And certainty of the tangible existence
Thins down imperfect pictures
Expansion of the ever increasing universe

Relevant Tags:
TThe EEmpty TThrone he mpty hrone hTe mEpty hTrone fhe smpty fhrone fThe sEmpty fThrone Tfhe Esmpty Tfhrone 5he 3mpty 5hrone
5The 3Empty 5Throne T5he E3mpty T5hrone hhe fmpty hhrone hThe fEmpty hThrone Thhe Efmpty Thhrone yhe rmpty yhrone yThe rEmpty yThrone
Tyhe Ermpty Tyhrone 6he 4mpty 6hrone 6The 4Empty 6Throne T6he E4mpty T6hrone ghe dmpty ghrone gThe dEmpty gThrone Tghe Edmpty Tghrone
rhe wmpty rhrone rThe wEmpty rThrone Trhe Ewmpty Trhrone Emmpty Te Epty Trone Teh Epmty Trhone Tje Ejpty Tjrone
Tjhe Ejmpty Tjhrone Thje Emjpty Thjrone Tue Ekpty Turone Tuhe Ekmpty Tuhrone Thue Emkpty Thurone Tne Enpty Tnrone Tnhe Enmpty Tnhrone
Thne Emnpty Thnrone Tbe Emppty Tbrone Tbhe Emty Tbhrone Thbe Emtpy Thbrone Tge Em0ty Tgrone Em0pty Thge Emp0ty Thgrone
Tye Emlty Tyrone Emlpty Thye Emplty Thyrone Thee Emoty Thrrone Th Emopty Thone The Empoty Thorne Ths Emptty Thdone
Thse Empy Thdrone Thes Empyt Thrdone Th3 Empfy Th4one Th3e Empfty Th4rone The3 Emptfy Thr4one Thf Emp5y Thgone Thfe Emp5ty
Thef Empt5y Thrgone Thr Emphy Thtone Thre Emphty Thtrone Ther Empthy Thrtone Th4 Empyy Th5one

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