Spheres Of Madness

On bigger than everything
In the crown of your own self you preach darkness
Yet would you be able to obey the lack of light?
Darkness, light, word, existence
Could it be false?
Salvation is nothing- nothing is salvation
The great fractal of existence sinks into itself
Nature calls for destroyer, desires
It's the highest time for zero to come
Collapsing reality craves for the end
Everything rots in itself
Maybe its time to stop worshipping the own image
So non-existence is the only sense?
I rise in spheres of madness
In darkness of unknown I perish
To see, to remain in all time
Eternity in second, not!

Mirror lyrics:

Eternity in second, not!
To see, to remain in all time
In darkness of unknown I perish
I rise in spheres of madness
So non-existence is the only sense?
Maybe its time to stop worshipping the own image
Everything rots in itself
Collapsing reality craves for the end
It's the highest time for zero to come
Nature calls for destroyer, desires
The great fractal of existence sinks into itself
Salvation is nothing- nothing is salvation
Could it be false?
Darkness, light, word, existence
Yet would you be able to obey the lack of light?
In the crown of your own self you preach darkness
On bigger than everything

Relevant Tags:
SSpheres OOf MMadness pheres f adness pSheres fO aMdness zpheres kf jadness zSpheres kOf jMadness Szpheres Okf Mjadness
wpheres 9f kadness wSpheres 9Of kMadness Swpheres O9f Mkadness dpheres 0f nadness dSpheres 0Of nMadness Sdpheres O0f Mnadness
epheres lf Maadness eSpheres lOf Mdness Sepheres Olf Mdaness xpheres if Mzdness xSpheres iOf Mzadness Sxpheres Oif Mazdness
apheres Off Mqdness aSpheres O Mqadness Sapheres Of Maqdness Sppheres Oc Msdness Sheres Ocf Msadness Shperes Ofc Masdness
S0heres Or Mwdness S0pheres Orf Mwadness Sp0heres Ofr Mawdness Slheres Og Mxdness Slpheres Ogf Mxadness Splheres Ofg Maxdness
Soheres Ot Maddness Sopheres Otf Maness Spoheres Oft Mandess Sphheres Ov Maxness Speres Ovf Spehres Ofv Madxness
Spjeres Od Maeness Spjheres Odf Maedness Sphjeres Ofd Madeness Spueres Mafness Spuheres Mafdness Sphueres Madfness
Spneres Marness Spnheres Mardness Sphneres Madrness Spberes Macness Spbheres Macdness Sphberes Madcness
Spgeres Masness Spgheres Sphgeres Madsness Spyeres Madnness Spyheres Madess Sphyeres Madenss
Spheeres Madmess Sphres Madmness Sphrees Madnmess Sphsres Madhess Sphseres Madhness Sphesres Madnhess
Sph3res Madjess Sph3eres Madjness Sphe3res Madnjess Sphfres Madbess Sphferes Madbness Sphefres Madnbess
Sphrres Madneess

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