Deep Purple
Second Movement, Andante

How can I see
When the light is gone out
How can I hear
When you speak so silently
More than enough
Is never too much
Hold out a hand
I'm so out of touch

Do unto me
As your heart would have you do
Looks on my head
Cannot get the message through
Sword in my hand
Can cut through the wood
Peace in my heart
Can summon the mood

What shall I do
When they stand smiling at me
Look at the floor
And be oh so cool
Oh so cool

How shall I know
When to start singing my song
What shall I do
If they all go wrong
What shall I do

Mirror lyrics:

What shall I do
If they all go wrong
What shall I do
When to start singing my song
How shall I know

Oh so cool
And be oh so cool
Look at the floor
When they stand smiling at me
What shall I do

Can summon the mood
Peace in my heart
Can cut through the wood
Sword in my hand
Cannot get the message through
Looks on my head
As your heart would have you do
Do unto me

I'm so out of touch
Hold out a hand
Is never too much
More than enough
When you speak so silently
How can I hear
When the light is gone out
How can I see

Relevant Tags:
SSecond MMovement, AAndante econd ovement, ndante eScond oMvement, nAdante zecond jovement, zndante zSecond jMovement, zAndante Szecond Mjovement, Azndante
wecond kovement, qndante wSecond kMovement, qAndante Swecond Mkovement, Aqndante decond novement, sndante dSecond nMovement, sAndante Sdecond Mnovement, Asndante
eecond Moovement, wndante eSecond Mvement, wAndante Seecond Mvoement, Awndante xecond Mkvement, xndante xSecond xAndante Sxecond Mokvement, Axndante
aecond M9vement, Anndante aSecond M9ovement, Adante Saecond Mo9vement, Adnante M0vement, Amdante Scond M0ovement, Amndante Sceond Mo0vement, Anmdante
Sscond Mlvement, Ahdante Ssecond Mlovement, Ahndante Sescond Molvement, Anhdante S3cond Mivement, Ajdante S3econd Miovement, Ajndante Se3cond Moivement, Anjdante
Sfcond Movvement, Abdante Sfecond Moement, Abndante Sefcond Moevment, Anbdante Srcond Mobement, Anddante Srecond Mobvement, Anante Sercond Movbement, Anadnte
S4cond Mocement, Anxante S4econd Mocvement, Anxdante Se4cond Movcement, Andxante Sdcond Mogement, Aneante Mogvement, Anedante Sedcond Movgement, Andeante
Swcond Mofement, Anfante Mofvement, Anfdante Sewcond Movfement, Andfante Seccond Moveement, Anrante Seond Movment, Anrdante Seocnd Movmeent, Andrante
Sefond Movsment, Ancante Movsement, Ancdante Secfond Movesment, Andcante Sexond Mov3ment, Ansante Sexcond Mov3ement, Ansdante Secxond Move3ment, Andsante
Sevond Movfment, Andaante Sevcond Andnte Secvond Movefment, Andnate Sedond Movrment, Andznte Movrement, Andzante Secdond Moverment, Andaznte
Secoond Mov4ment, Andqnte Secnd Mov4ement, Andqante Secnod Move4ment, Andaqnte Secknd Movdment, Andsnte Seckond Movdement, Secoknd Movedment, Andasnte
Sec9nd Movwment, Andwnte Sec9ond Movwement, Andwante Seco9nd Movewment, Andawnte Sec0nd Movemment, Andxnte Sec0ond Moveent, Seco0nd Moveemnt, Andaxnte

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