Delbert Mcclinton
Don't Want To Love You

Don't want to love you anymore
If i could I'd close that door
it's not the way it was
and it hurts me way to much
Don't want to love you anymore

Don't want to love you anymore
it's uncertain that's for sure
it's time to face the facts that you don't love me back
I don't want to love you anymore

I don't want to need you like I need you tonight
I don't want to want you and live this kind of life
you give me just enough of what I want to keep me hanging on
Don't want to love you anymore

Don't want to love you anymore
don't want to fight a losing war
no need to try again
cause there's no way I can win
Don't want to love you anymore
Don't want to love you anymore

Mirror lyrics:

Don't want to love you anymore
Don't want to love you anymore
cause there's no way I can win
no need to try again
don't want to fight a losing war
Don't want to love you anymore

Don't want to love you anymore
you give me just enough of what I want to keep me hanging on
I don't want to want you and live this kind of life
I don't want to need you like I need you tonight

I don't want to love you anymore
it's time to face the facts that you don't love me back
it's uncertain that's for sure
Don't want to love you anymore

Don't want to love you anymore
and it hurts me way to much
it's not the way it was
If i could I'd close that door
Don't want to love you anymore

Relevant Tags:
DDon't WWant TTo LLove YYou on't ant o ove ou oDn't aWnt oT oLve oYu xon't aant fo kove gou xDon't aWant fTo kLove gYou Dxon't Waant Tfo Lkove Ygou
eon't 3ant 5o oove hou eDon't 3Want 5To oLove hYou Deon't W3ant T5o Loove Yhou fon't dant ho pove 6ou fDon't dWant hTo pLove 6You Dfon't Wdant Tho Lpove Y6ou
ron't eant yo uou rDon't eWant yTo Lve uYou Dron't Weant Tyo Lvoe Yuou con't sant 6o Lkve 7ou cDon't sWant 6To 7You Dcon't Wsant T6o Lokve Y7ou
son't 2ant go L9ve jou sDon't 2Want gTo L9ove jYou Dson't W2ant Tgo Lo9ve Yjou Doon't qant ro L0ve tou Dn't qWant rTo L0ove tYou Dno't Wqant Tro Lo0ve Ytou
Dkn't Too Llve Yoou Dkon't Wnt T Llove Yu Dokn't Wnat To Lolve Yuo D9n't Wznt Tk Live Yku D9on't Wzant Tko Liove Ykou Do9n't Waznt Tok Loive Yoku
D0n't Wqnt T9 Lovve Y9u D0on't T9o Loe Y9ou Do0n't Waqnt To9 Loev Yo9u Dln't Wsnt T0 Lobe Y0u Dlon't T0o Lobve Y0ou Doln't Wasnt To0 Lovbe Yo0u
Din't Wwnt Tl Loce Ylu Dion't Wwant Tlo Locve Ylou Doin't Wawnt Tol Lovce Yolu Donn't Wxnt Ti Loge Yiu Do't Wxant Tio Logve Yiou

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