Del Amitri
The Ones That You Love Lead You Nowhere

Go and tell your mother, go and tell your friends

You've been fooled again

He appeared like magic and he left you on a late night train

Yeah, some things never change

'Cause baby, the ones that you love lead you nowhere

Yeah baby, the ones that you love lead you nowhere

If you could just be patient

Pretty soon you would forget his name

And face this world again

If you could just stop looking for someone special

You might save yourself some pain

'Cause baby, the ones that you love lead you nowhere

Yeah baby, the ones that you love lead you nowhere

Every little lie makes you look so dumb

They tell you nobody has ever come as close as you've come

So baby, tonight you've got the right to feel so numb

'Cause baby, the ones that you love lead you nowhere

Yeah baby, the ones that you love lead you nowhere

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah baby, the ones that you love lead you nowhere

'Cause baby, the ones that you love lead you nowhere

So baby, tonight you've got the right to feel so numb

They tell you nobody has ever come as close as you've come

Every little lie makes you look so dumb

Yeah baby, the ones that you love lead you nowhere

'Cause baby, the ones that you love lead you nowhere

You might save yourself some pain

If you could just stop looking for someone special

And face this world again

Pretty soon you would forget his name

If you could just be patient

Yeah baby, the ones that you love lead you nowhere

'Cause baby, the ones that you love lead you nowhere

Yeah, some things never change

He appeared like magic and he left you on a late night train

You've been fooled again

Go and tell your mother, go and tell your friends

Relevant Tags:
TThe OOnes TThat YYou LLove LLead YYou NNowhere he nes hat ou ove ead ou owhere hTe nOes hTat oYu oLve eLad oYu oNwhere
fhe knes fhat gou kove kead gou mowhere fThe kOnes fThat gYou kLove kLead gYou mNowhere Tfhe Oknes Tfhat Ygou Lkove Lkead Ygou Nmowhere
5he 9nes 5hat hou oove oead hou howhere 5The 9Ones 5That hYou oLove oLead hYou hNowhere T5he O9nes T5hat Yhou Loove Loead Yhou Nhowhere
hhe 0nes hhat 6ou pove pead 6ou jowhere hThe 0Ones hThat 6You pLove pLead 6You jNowhere Thhe O0nes Thhat Y6ou Lpove Lpead Y6ou Njowhere
yhe lnes yhat uou Leead uou bowhere yThe lOnes yThat uYou Lve Lad uYou bNowhere Tyhe Olnes Tyhat Yuou Lvoe Laed Yuou Nbowhere
6he ines 6hat 7ou Lkve Lsad 7ou Noowhere 6The iOnes 6That 7You Lsead 7You Nwhere T6he Oines T6hat Y7ou Lokve Lesad Y7ou Nwohere
ghe Onnes ghat jou L9ve L3ad jou Nkwhere gThe Oes gThat jYou L9ove L3ead jYou Nkowhere Tghe Oens Tghat Yjou Lo9ve Le3ad Yjou Nokwhere
rhe Omes rhat tou L0ve Lfad tou N9where rThe Omnes rThat tYou L0ove Lfead tYou N9owhere Trhe Onmes Trhat Ytou Lo0ve Lefad Ytou No9where
Ohes Yoou Llve Lrad Yoou N0where Te Ohnes Tat Yu Llove Lread Yu N0owhere Teh Onhes Taht Yuo Lolve Lerad Yuo No0where
Tje Ojes Tjat Yku Live L4ad Yku Nlwhere Tjhe Ojnes Tjhat Ykou Liove L4ead Ykou Nlowhere Thje Onjes Thjat Yoku Loive Le4ad Yoku Nolwhere
Tue Obes Tuat Y9u Lovve Ldad Y9u Niwhere Tuhe Obnes Tuhat Y9ou Loe Ldead Y9ou Niowhere Thue Onbes Thuat Yo9u Loev Ledad Yo9u Noiwhere
Tne Onees Tnat Y0u Lobe Lwad Y0u Nowwhere Tnhe Ons Tnhat Y0ou Lobve Lwead Y0ou Nohere Thne Onse Thnat Yo0u Lovbe Lewad Yo0u Nohwere
Tbe Onss Tbat Ylu Loce Leaad Ylu Noahere Tbhe Onses Tbhat Ylou Locve Led Ylou Noawhere Thbe Oness Thbat Yolu Lovce Leda Yolu Nowahere
Tge On3s Tgat Yiu Loge Lezd Yiu No3here On3es Yiou Logve Lezad Yiou No3where Thge One3s Thgat Yoiu Lovge Leazd Yoiu Now3here
Tye Onfs Tyat Youu Lofe Leqd Youu Nodhere Onfes Yo Lofve Leqad Yo Nodwhere Thye Onefs Thyat You Lovfe Leaqd You Nowdhere
Thee Onrs Thaat Yoh Lovee Lesd Yoh Noehere Th Onres Tht Yohu Lov Yohu Noewhere The Oners Thta Youh Love Leasd Youh Nowehere
Ths On4s Thzt Yo7 Lovs Lewd Yo7 Noshere Thse On4es Thzat Yo7u Lovse Yo7u Noswhere Thes One4s Thazt You7 Loves Leawd You7 Nowshere
Th3 Onds Thqt Yok Lov3 Lexd Yok No2here Th3e Ondes Thqat Lov3e Lexad No2where The3 Oneds Thaqt Youk Love3 Leaxd Youk Now2here
Thf Onws Thst Yoi Lovf Leadd Yoi Noqhere Thfe Onwes Thsat Lea Noqwhere Thef Onews Thast Youi Lovef Lead Youi Nowqhere
Thr Thwt Yo8 Lovr Leax Yo8 Nowhhere Thre One Thwat Yo8u Lovre Yo8u Nowere Ther Ones Thawt You8 Lover Leadx You8 Nowehre
Th4 Onez Thxt Yoj Lov4 Leae Yoj Nowjere Th4e Onezs Thxat Yoju Lov4e Leaed Yoju Nowjhere The4 Onesz Thaxt Youj Love4 Leade Youj Nowhjere
Thd Onew Thatt Yoy Lovd Leaf Yoy Nowuere Thde Tha Yoyu Lovde Leafd Yoyu Nowuhere Thed Onesw That Youy Loved Leadf Youy Nowhuere
Thw Oned Thaf Lovw Lear Nownere Thwe Thaft Lovwe Leard Nownhere Thew Onesd Thatf Lovew Leadr Nowhnere
Onee Tha5 Leac Nowbere

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