The Gathering

The song that angels sing
The spell that calls, The Gathering
The magic that might bring
Eternal life, The Gathering

I see a world in anger
i see a world in pain
Each day a different story
But still the message is the same

Hard news I set beside me
Sweet dreams is what I need
What daylight wants to show me
At night, appears to be insane

May I ask you in?
Shall I...
Shall I persuade you?

The song that angels sing
The spell that calls, The Gathering
The magic that might bring
Eternal life, The Gathering

My cards, the ones to choose from
The role they play tonight
Which ones embrace the loved ones?
Which ones will summon for a fight

Show me your precious darlings
And I will crush them all
Wave with your blooded sword and
I'll kiss to show I'm not afraid

May I ask you in?
Shall I...
Shall I persuade you?


Mirror lyrics:


Shall I persuade you?
Shall I...
May I ask you in?

I'll kiss to show I'm not afraid
Wave with your blooded sword and
And I will crush them all
Show me your precious darlings

Which ones will summon for a fight
Which ones embrace the loved ones?
The role they play tonight
My cards, the ones to choose from

Eternal life, The Gathering
The magic that might bring
The spell that calls, The Gathering
The song that angels sing

Shall I persuade you?
Shall I...
May I ask you in?

At night, appears to be insane
What daylight wants to show me
Sweet dreams is what I need
Hard news I set beside me

But still the message is the same
Each day a different story
i see a world in pain
I see a world in anger

Eternal life, The Gathering
The magic that might bring
The spell that calls, The Gathering
The song that angels sing

Relevant Tags:
TThe GGathering he athering hTe aGthering fhe hathering fThe hGathering Tfhe Ghathering 5he yathering 5The yGathering T5he Gyathering
hhe bathering hThe bGathering Thhe Gbathering yhe vathering yThe vGathering Tyhe Gvathering 6he fathering 6The fGathering T6he Gfathering
ghe tathering gThe tGathering Tghe Gtathering rhe Gaathering rThe Gthering Trhe Gtahering Gzthering Te Gzathering Teh Gazthering
Tje Gqthering Tjhe Gqathering Thje Gaqthering Tue Gsthering Tuhe Gsathering Thue Gasthering Tne Gwthering Tnhe Gwathering Thne Gawthering
Tbe Gxthering Tbhe Gxathering Thbe Gaxthering Tge Gatthering Gahering Thge Gahtering Tye Gafhering Gafthering Thye Gatfhering
Thee Ga5hering Th Ga5thering The Gat5hering Ths Gahhering Thse Gahthering Thes Gathhering Th3 Gayhering Th3e Gaythering The3 Gatyhering
Thf Ga6hering Thfe Ga6thering Thef Gat6hering Thr Gaghering Thre Gagthering Ther Gatghering Th4 Garhering Th4e Garthering The4 Gatrhering
Thd Thde Gatering Thed Gatehring Thw Gatjering Thwe Gatjhering Thew Gathjering Gatuering Gatuhering Gathuering
Gatnering Gatnhering Gathnering Gatbering Gatbhering Gathbering Gatgering Gathgering Gatyering
Gathyering Gatheering Gathring Gathreing Gathsring Gathsering Gathesring Gath3ring

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